when in rome

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Cammie pov

As strange and dangerous as it sounds. Bex thought we should stay in the place where my dad's grave was and where I was tortured which if I might add is a c.o.c safe house. I am so mad at her I could scream, I mean how unconciderate can you get?! I get that it is free and close to our mission but still! Thank god no one agreed with Bex so we ended up staying in a small hostel approximately 3 miles from our mission. I am pretty damn terrified about this mission cos I don't wanna get my hopes up and I don't want to bring back the memories summer me lost. ...

In the hostel, myself Bex and Zach shared a room and lie macie and abbey shared a room. I was exhausted so I got ready in 34 seconds dragged a hairbrush through my tangled hair and jumped into the biggest bed!

I woke up to Zach gently snoring across the room and someone who I presumed to be Bex vomiting in the bathroom. I silently crept over tho the bathroom and opend the door. Bex was doubled over the toilet. "Bex " I whispered creeping over to her "are you ok?" I slipped on something but regained my balance. I picked up what I had slipped on. It was a pregnancy test! "ohmygosh Bex! " I squealed "congratulations mama Bex and papa grant!" I said. " ah ha about that" she said. " nobody knows so.." "my lips are sealed" I promise !

Ouch! Poor Bex what she gonna do? Any opinions or criticism email me at siunvc@gmail.com

Thanks again xx siunvcxx

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