Chapter 25: No Loyalty In Love - Part 2

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Hell's door slams open and standing there before me is the most beautiful man, one I never thought I'd see again.

"Fucking hell, Lewis!" Seth seethes. His eyes flit from me to his friend — my captor — who hangs silently in the doorway behind him. The glare in them is unmistakable as pure rage.

My captor slinks back, further into the hallway. Lewis is a proud man, that much I've gathered from my time spent here along with the brief meetings we had in the outside world. He's always impeccably dressed in a fine suit, always clean shaven and his hair is always placed in perfection. With Seth here though, nothing about him is recognisable, he almost cowers before the man like a scolded dog.

"You don't understand," he mutters, "he was mine first. I saw him first. Do you know how hard it was to watch him with you? To know that my best friend was fucking the love of my life?"

The mess inside was shielded by that perfect image. He tried so hard to hide his true self that no one could see the cracks beneath the surface.

"You're crazy, Lewis! What the fuck! You're screwed in the head!" Seth gestures, hands flying around as he growls at the shrunken body before him. "You don't love him! You don't fucking do this to the person you love!" His hazel eyes land on me and for the first time I see a sadness there, a deep melancholy at the situation he's found himself in.

Some trepidation clear, he hurries over to my form, kneeling before me on the mattress. Salt trails down my cheeks, but I'm not as hopeless or scared anymore. Seth is here. His digits wrap around my head, undoing the knot in the fabric of the gag and once it's out of my mouth, I finally take a deep breath. The air smells like him and it calms me.

"Oh my god, Brett. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." He apologises, his voice shakey. Forehead to his chest, I shake my head a little. It wasn't his fault. He's found me. He's saved me. "Let's get you out of this. And then we can deal with him."

The ties around my wrists come undone without too much hassle. My mind flies back to that first night together as he holds my hands in his, checking my wrists over for injury, just as before, there is none. As he clutches my body to his own, I peer over his shoulder to Lewis fuming in the doorway, a spoiled brat that couldn't get the toy he wanted. I see no regret in his eyes for what he did to me, maybe Seth does and that's why I don't hear sirens, but I don't think I'd be able to survive knowing that one day he could take me again and maybe he wouldn't be so careless about it.

"You need to call the cops," I whisper into Seth's ear, holding back the sobs and playing at being strong because we're not out of the woods yet. I wrap my arms around him and hold him as tightly as he holds me, "please."

"No!" Lewis shrieks. He advances, his pleading, threatening glare set on Seth as he helps me up.

Seth jolts. "Don't come any closer! You need help. A lot of help. I have to. . . "

"You'd sell out your best friend just like that?!" Tears prick the corners of my captor's eyes and he wipes his hand across them, merely smudging the salt. "We've known each other since we were three. I can't be locked up. You know me!"

"I don't." Seth grimaces. "I thought I did, but I was wrong."

Lewis' orbs glisten as more water builds, threatening to spill. He grumbles incoherent words that escape my ringing ears. I'm too focused on the slight movement of his hand as it dips beneath the Italian threads of his blazer. Heart pounding. Mind swimming. I fail to comprehend anything as he takes shaky steps towards us. Kitchen knife shining in his right hand, he points it at Seth.

"I don't want to hurt you."

He's snapped. Heavy breaths and trembling limbs give him away.

Seth's hands rise to diffuse the situation, offering surrender.

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