Special: Fight or Flight

240 22 6

A.N. I wrote a poem. I don't write poetry. This is my first time writing a poem since like year 7 in school so let me know if you think it's something I should ever do again or if I should leave it to people who can write poetry 😓

Piercing blue eyes in the dead of night
As cold and sharp as the blade of a knife
They scream at you to take flight, take flight
They scream at you through the dead of night

Through the crisp cold of snow and rain
They claw their way into the dark of your brain
The murder in the night, it knows your name
Those piercing blue eyes in the snow and the rain

For the closer they get the more you will turn
The evil in the night will only learn
With the swing of your head, for safety you yearn
But those fingers will sear with a sting and a burn

In the empty streets, your screams are released
You hear nothing except for the breaths of the beast
No footsteps or buzzing or shouting at least
Up 'til the moment your breathing has ceased

'Cause those piercing blue eyes in the dead of night
As cold and sharp as the blade of a knife
They screamed at you to take flight, take flight
They screamed at you through the dead of night

Because, Brett... [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now