Chapter 17: A Man In A Suit

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There's just something special about a man in a suit — especially on the day of a wedding. As much as I love the sight of Seth in his everyday jeans and a shirt, he looks damn good in a tailored suit. Even as he stands in the bathroom fiddling with his tie so as to get it perfect, I can't help but let my eyes gloss over him.

"You're probably only making it worse," I shout.

He nods, conceding, and strolls out to meet me. I'm already ready, my tie done up a half hour ago, so really, I'm just waiting on Seth.

"This'll be fun," he says, standing between my legs and closing his eyes to sigh out a breath. I'm not entirely sure who he's trying to reassure though. "It's a nice outing. My family are going to be fine and even if they talk shit, I don't care."

"It'll be fine," I say.

Then gripping his lapels in my hands, I hoist myself to my feet, smiling and pecking him on the cheek before slipping past him and towards the door. He knows as well as I do that if he dawdles for much longer we'll be late — unless that's his master plan. But I won't play a part in that, it's his brother's special day and although I've never met him, I don't want Seth to miss this. I would want Alice there if I ever got married and I imagine Riley would want to celebrate this union with Seth in the midst.

After a few moments, I hear Seth's heavy footfalls following me down the stairs and into the foyer of his house. We both pull our coats on over the top of our blazers and he swings his keys around his finger as we leave.

+ + +

We just about make it in time and sit in the pew at the back. The ceremony is gorgeous, a very traditional affair held in a church patched together with an array of irregular rocks, faded over the centuries. At the front altar stands a vicar and in the aisle, Riley awaits his bride. When the music begins — Pachelbel's Canon in D — she makes her grand entrance. She is beautiful, all dolled up for the occasion with too much makeup and a massive white frock layered with details of lace. It feels as though the vail goes on for days, bridesmaids holding it up behind her to keep it out of the dirt, and I can't help but wonder how she'll manage to go to the toilet — or will she just have to hold it all day?

They stare at one another lovingly, they read vows and they kiss upon popular demand.

When all is over, we vacate to another venue for the reception and Seth barely drops my hand upon our entrance to the ballroom. Tables are scattered around the room, dressed with white table clothes and centrepieces to marvel before. At the front stretches a long banquet table for the bride and groom, parents and other close family members. Maybe that's why I don't quite understand Seth's decision to lead me to the back of the room to sit, hiding in a corner by the fire escape.

"Shouldn't you congratulate your brother?"

I stare at the line of guests, each exchanging formalities on their way inside. Grins stretch from cheek to cheek because today is a happy day — not that I'd know it glued to the side of Mr Already-On-His-Third-Glass-Of-Champagne. He shrugs off the question.

My family wasn't the best. I was constantly pushed towards my parents' aspirations, no matter how unrealistic they were for me. However, we've found peace now that I've grown up. It makes me wonder what skeletons could be hiding in his childhood closet to cause him to be so unwilling to interact with his family.

"The only way this could get any worse," he pauses to take another gulp, "is if the little shit comes over to chat."

Just as he says that, I spot a familiar face in the crowd. Her eyes are on me too, and despite Seth's questioning glance, I find myself out of my seat and on my way over. Alice is dressed so elegantly in a killer red dress for the occasion, and glued to the side of a man whose appearance I could compare to that of a model. His blond hair is slicked back and his black suit, much like Seth's, is tailored to perfection. I think for a few seconds, before I come to the conclusion that this must be Lewis.

As my sister walks to meet me, date in tow, I hazard a glance over my shoulder, somewhat surprised to see Seth rising from his seat to join the reunion.

"I didn't know you'd be here," I tell Alice as she engulfs me in a short embrace.

She chuckles, "It's Lewis' friend's wedding, I'm just a tag along."

My eyes drift once again to the stunning man, his ocean eyes catch mine for a second and my breath hitches. He extends his hand towards me introducing himself, "It's a pleasure, Alice has told be all about you, Brett." I grasp his hand, nodding in agreement as I note Seth's appearance at my side. He takes another swing of his champagne.

"Didn't think I'd see you here, Lu." There's already an easiness to Seth's voice and I wonder how much longer it'll be until he's wasted.

"Couldn't get out of it. I assume it's a similar situation for you?"


Alice's eyes flit between the two, "You know each other?"

Seth regards her with a slanted smile. "For as long as I can remember. Yeah." He chuckles, "Our families are close so we kinda grew up together."

She makes an 'O' with her mouth and suddenly Seth and Lewis are caught in deep conversation, something to do with business — surprisingly not my forte — so I nod towards the bar. Alice catches on quickly, some kind of gift we have as siblings, and we wander over to get ourselves drinks, leaving them to it.

"He seems nice," I say as I wait for the bartender to acknowledge us.

"He is." Her giddy smile is something I'll never get used to. Alice having a crush on a boy is something I'll never get used to. The last time this happened was in high school, then came the struggles of law school and focusing on her career. She never had time for romance or relationships, and now she does. "And he's super hot too."

I laugh, ordering a glass of wine each.

"It's not all about looks you know." I comment.

"Clearly," she replies and I notice her gaze drift to Seth. Ouch! "He's more than looks though. He's smart, he's kind. A little OCD when it comes to things but that's more relatable than anything else."

I nod. He must have some good qualities if he's friends with Seth.

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