𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞

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。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚.

in real life

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in real life

"ARE YOU SURE THIS IS THE RIGHT ONE," blake blurted out, looking at his two other, very nervous friends. "it is the number noah sent, idiot" reece mumbled, wiping his clammy hands on his jeans, grabbing the flowers between his arm.

they had all grabbed the girls flowers. blake grabbing oakley's favorite flowers, sunflowers that had the biggest stems. george had bought clarabell the prettiest tulips, the gradient pink was sure to cause the girls heart to melt and it made him happy. reece had lastly bought his josiepie's favorite sweet pea flowers. 

josephine had talked about how her father had always gotten her mother the prettiest flowers every valentines' day but had forgotten what they were called. that was until, she showed a picture of her parents to reece, her mother holding the flowers, himself taking a mental note and taking absolute ages to find out what they had been.

all three of them stood outside of the girls apartment, second away from knocking on the door. they were nervous to say the least, the three all prepping their hand against the wood door, the simultaneously knocking on it.

the girls from inside, stood curious. they hadn't ordered anything, so they were confused at who would be at the door. they planned for café day, all wearing their dainty but pretty clothing, and going down to eat some food.

josephine was the one to open the door, her being the first one done on every occasion, she spilt the door open, being met with the three boys, smiling in unison.

"shut up," she mumbled, putting her hands to her hands to her eyes, the turning away from the boys. her heart raced from the sight of all three of them, she could quite confidently say they were better looking in real life.

reece on the other hand, had been smiling like an idiot the entire time, his heart beating miles per second. "you gonna let us in or what josiepie?" reece asked, looking at the girl, before she finally turned back and through herself into the boys arms.

"buttercup who was at-you have got to be kidding me," oakley walked out, she had her hands wrapped up in her hair, quickly letting everything go and running over to hug the boys she's missed entirely.

it was clarabell who saw them all last, her not paying attention to the ruckus. she was sat on her floor, doing her makeup in the mirror that laid beside her bed, with her airpods intact. george opened the door, flowers in his hand, the girls face falling from confusion. turning around she ran into the boys arms, hugging him for a long time.

after they had all calmed down, the raced to put the flowers in makeshift vases, and having the boys sit around on the couch in their living room.

"when, why, how did you find our apartment?" josephine had asked, sitting next to reece as he explained everything. it was no surprise that the boys would do such a sweet thing, for them. they were obviously too kind.

the girls had never been treated with so much adoration before, it was as if they had filled a whole in their hearts they didn't know they had.

𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐬 ➳ೃ༄*Where stories live. Discover now