𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐨𝐧𝐞

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。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚.

WIPING THE TIREDNESS away from his eyes, reece pulled the small suitcase up the ladder leading to the girls apartment

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WIPING THE TIREDNESS away from his eyes, reece pulled the small suitcase up the ladder leading to the girls apartment. his nerves were getting the best of him, but he wasn't going to let it stop him from seeing josephine. knocking on the door, he let go of his suitcase and waited until a very tired oakley opened the door. "why did you come?" oakley asked the blonde, walking out of the house and closing the door behind her. he knew the girls wouldn't be open to him coming, especially since he was the reason for josephine's outbreak, but wasn't going to acknowledge she's not okay. "i know you hate me, i deserve to be hated after what i put your josephine through, but know it wasn't my intention. i hope you know understand." reece responded diverting his attention to the ground.

"reece, this wasn't in a matter of minutes, or days, shes been feeling like this for months and it breaks my heart to see her like this. i can't let you hurt her anymore." she frowned crossing her arms over her chest. "oakley please, i can't leave without knowing shes okay." reece replied ruffling the top of his hair. "she has clara and i shes going to be better than okay," oakley responded, as she heard the door open from behind her. "i heard everything, oakley let him in. josephine wouldn't want it any other way" clarabell stated, wrapping her arms around the taller girl. "he doesn't deserve to see her, hes put her through so much and he never showed he cared." oakley groaned in response. "you know thats not true peaches, i know you're angry and you'd do anything to protect our buttercup but you have to understand that he feels the same way, and what he did was a mistake he's willing to learn from." clarabell responded causing the girl to loosen her tense figure as she comprehended the blondes advice. oakley only nodded in response, moving away from the door and letting reece in.

"thank you guys, so so much" reece exclaimed before walking away towards josephine's room. he slowly opened the door, revealing a small figured girl envelope in her bed. she laid facing the other wall where her tv sat and watched countless of minecraft lets plays. yes it was cheesy, but it eased her brain. "josie pie," the boy whispered, immediately josephine heard and quickly wrapped the blanket over her head. "i know, i'm sorry. completely utterly most definitely sorry, and i know you'll never be able to forgive but i needed to know you were okay." he stated pulling himself closer inch by inch towards the bed she hid in.

"i know i was being selfish, ignoring your wants and needs and i know me coming here unannounced probably isnt the smartest idea but i never realized how much i needed you. how much i missed seeing your name pop up on my phone, or the sound of your voice, or the miniature rants you would go on about shows or celebrity or movies. i know i made you feel less than, believe me that was never my intention." reece went on and on, the girl was silently letting the tears fall down her cheeks as he spoke to her so softly.

she finally let the blanket off of her face, the redness was obvious and he quickly enveloped her into a hug. "i'm sorry love, i don't deserve you." he stated, pulling away and bringing his hand under her chin so she could look him in the face. "i love you," he stated, the girl stayed silent, her heart racing. "you don't have to say it back, you can take all the time you want, just know i-" he was cut off by josephine pressing her lips towards his, feeling the embrace of them both alongside each other. they needed this, josephine needed this.

journal entry

hello yes, i've been very inactive and this is a very short chapter, but theres only two to three more i'm willing to make so i have to prolong this. please enjoy the last few chapters and this journey hehe

 please enjoy the last few chapters and this journey hehe

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