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JOSEPHINE LAID AWAKE, her bed cradling her emotions as well as her body

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JOSEPHINE LAID AWAKE, her bed cradling her emotions as well as her body. she had been restlessly laying in silence, tears falling down the sides of her face every once and a while. how she let her life become such a downfall. things were good, but she depended on people, for the sake of her happiness. never again she remembered, she told herself she would never put herself in these types of situations. but there she was, her cries being wiped away with the sleeves of her hoodie. how dramatic could she be, it was like her to be crying herself to sleep, with each tear she remembered the texts reece sent. 'attention seeking monster' is all she could hear in the back of her head. she felt her body shake from the cries that began to erupt from her mouth, covering them with her hand trying her best to stay silent.

she did not want to ask for help, knowing how people thought of her, how could she now. she felt like a burden, to her friends across the hall, her so called "boyfriend" from miles away. she quickly brought herself up in a seated position, her hands crawling up to her head as she pushed the sweaty baby hairs away from her face. her body began to hiccup from the pressure her body was giving her to start crying, caving away into the pillow she brought to her face. she tried her best to calm her breathing, wiping the salty tears away from her mouth as she brought the phone to her face. once again she was met by countless pictures of him. how happy he must be, content, satisfied. she needed to call him, tell him he was right about everything. her fingers shakily went to dial his number, the phone ringing for a moments then the call being answered.

"josie? hello, you okay?"

"no, i just wanted to call you and tell you that you're right about everything."

"right about what baby? are you okay josie pie"

"this was a mistake, i'm sorry i ever called
and for bothering you"

and with that, josephine hiccuped as she hung up the phone. her cries began to get deeper, as she cried into her blanket. reece on the other hand quickly quickly sprung up, immediately calling back the girl several times. she denied every call, the messages being sent straight through voicemail. reece began to hyperventilate, quickly dialing clarabell's number before racing to blake's shared room with george. the boy began to scream for the boys to listen to what he had to say, before they all realized and immediately started calling the girls one after another. clarabell immediately woke up, running to oakley's room before they raced to josie's which was across the living room.

"my baby josie, breathe" oakley began to do her usual routine, grasping the girl in a tight hold as she brushed her blonde hair away from her hair. clarabell raced to the kitchen to fill the reusable bottle up with cold water so the girl could calm her hyperventilation. both girls enveloped josie as they equally tried to give her room to breathe, but comfort her with their warm embraces. it wasn't the first time josephine was sent into automatic shock from her panic attacks, but they varied on the spectrum from how bad they could get.

it was past four o'clock in the morning, after josephine came down from her anxiety like state, the girls were cuddled up on either side of her. josephine, being awake far longer than they have, she drifted off to sleep as clarabell massaged her head, so the crying wouldn't leave her with such a headache the morning of. oakley on the other hand was replying to urgent messages from all three boys, making sure they were caught up with everything, reece being the first one to respond every time.

reece sat at the foot of the hotel bed, brushing the bed hair away from his face as he clutched his body together by his hands. he knew it wasn't entirely his fault, but couldn't help but blame himself over and over again. he knew the words he used hurt her, and he just let her carry those thoughts for over a week, letting them marinate in her consciousness. the boys kept telling him that it was okay, that he shouldn't let himself get so worked up about it. but how could he not, he saw over texts how poorly he made josephine feel, how much pain he put her through. he was the cause, the problem. if he wasn't so selfish, so caught up in his own word he would've realized how much her insecurities were surfacing. "i cant just stay here, i need to know if she's okay" reece huffed into his hands, getting up from the bed and walking over to his suitcase that sat across the room. "reece, we know she's okay, don't worry mate."

blake and george tried their best to calm the lad, but seeing the state he was in, they helped him quickly book a flight to los angeles, to see josephine, to be with her. he would be there before noon, hopefully before josephine woke up. he couldn't mess this up, this was his last chance.

𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐬 ➳ೃ༄*Where stories live. Discover now