Chapter 2 - Part 1

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With a sharp breath, the chilled air bites my lungs and paralyzes me. A strangled scream pierces the air, "Uncle!" The cry left my lips before the realization hit me. My legs move at their own accord, flinging me forward. My fingers slip out of Tristan's hand.

His fingers scrap along my arm to grab me, but it was too late, I'm racing towards our homes. "Chloe!"

Jeremy slides in front of me. Crashing into his chest, his arms snake around me. His swift action halts my decent and panic pulses through me. Beating my fists against his chest, I fight his hold.

I need to find Uncle.

Only a hint of annoyance indicates he is even aware of my attempts to escape. This dangly looking man is oddly stronger than I anticipated.

Unlike myself, Tristan is unperturbed by the terrifying fact of our childhood home burning. "We have to go back," I scream to Tristan.

Slamming my foot down over Jeremy's, he shoves me away with a hiss. Freed from his grasp, I maneuver around him. Shuffling in front of me, his arms are outstretched, excitement flickers in his eyes. "Out of my way!" I stomp my feet down in frustration. My screech echoes through the air.

Tristan grabs me roughly, I stumble back under his jerking force. "Enough!" A newfound authority booms through him and widens my eyes in surprise. This man he has turned into isn't my Tristan, my blood runs cold. Looking past me, his expression murderous, "Go help the others, I've got Chloe from here."

Jeremy flies into the forest, disappearing into the haze of darkness. An ache builds inside me, I can only pray Jeremy finds my uncle. Stumbling backwards, Tristan tugs me impatiently behind him. A numbness swallows me up, and I allow Tristan to drag me from the danger.

A small puff of smoke swirling above the treetops like a beacon crying out for help. My stomach twists painfully. If I don't go back now, I may never see my uncle again. "You can't!" I cry out fear consuming me. A sharp burst of noise explodes from me, and I screech, "Uncle!"

Tristan slams his hand over my mouth. My head smashes into Tristan's chest, and everything blurs for a jumbled second. Muffled pleas rumble through his hand. Reaching out towards the spiralling smoke, tears flow freely down my face.

Locking my legs, my heel drags into the ground. The earth captures my slippers, and they flip off my feet. With a grunt, Tristan wraps his arm around my waist fighting against my resistance. Hoisting me up off the ground, my feet dangle below, scratching at the path beneath our feet. Defeat enters my heart, and my memories swirl up into puffs of smoke, disappearing into the sky forever.

A cloak of leaves folds over us, we enter a part of the forest, I have never been before. A forbidden side, full of mysteries. The hill disappears slowly shrinking at the end of a forest tunnel. Fallen leaves blow across the path, calling out to me, begging me to return. A longing aches in my heart releasing with a sob.

Tristan huffs in annoyance, "I swore to protect you, Chloe, and I sure as hell won't break that promise."

A cloud of smoke creeps through the trees, threatening to surround us. Tristan's silent trembles of fear rumble through me. Through my numbness, I cannot feel the chill across my feet, but I can still feel his strong quacking fits. Tristan stops, securing my upper arms he shakes me with a jolt of sanity. A burning sense of intimidation eats away at me, under his gaze. Tears pour from my eyes, blurring his features. He wasn't the one trembling. Through my numbness, my body had become consumed with fear. Not for my own concern, I'm terrified for Uncle. Tristan shakes me again trying to rid me of my hysteric state.

"Do you want to die, Chloe?" Tristan screams in my face, his anger biting away at my last bit of sanity. "Be taken away from us? Those stories are real! He is coming for you!" The way Tristan says 'he' pulses a massive wave of dread through me. The stories of my childhood fill my memories. He, the Cruel King, is just a story. Tristan can't honestly be implying that they are real.

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