Chapter 12 - Part 1

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His thick callused hand holds mine in a vice grip, shoving through the crowds, they part without issue. Scurrying along the stone path, I keep pace. Women glance from under their hoods with pitiful stares in my direction. It became uncomfortable, and I rush forward grabbing his arm. Blue eyes shine with amusement towards my discomfort, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, he pulls me close.

Leaning my head against his breastplate, a flower cart catches my attention. Tugging him along with me, I lean into the bouquets and take a deep inhale. The sweet scent envelopes my senses, and I can't help but moan. "I've never seen this many different flowers," I hum with content.

Wilfrid picks a flower from the bucket, a brilliant orange colouring it almost glows like the setting of the sun. Tossing the merchant a coin, he holds the flower out for me. "This here is a Marigold, Alexandria's signature flower, growing wildly in the fields outside the city."

Entranced with the glowing ruffled petals, I pinch them in my fingers, a buttery satin feeling. My fingers aren't even damp or waxy, flowers never grew in the forest, the darkness never allowed for their growth. The odd time, Tristan would sneak out into the meadows and gather a few for me, but that was many years ago.

Wilfrid snaps the stem in half. "These were your mother's favourite, King Thaddeus planted them all around the castle, a sweet gesture for his love."

My mother, the woman I know nothing about. Could she really be this queen everyone claims her to be? The stories everyone has about her is nothing like what I would imagine her to be like. When I meet the King will he deny their claims? Maybe then I can return home to Tristan and Uncle.

Wilfrid slides the flower into my hood and tucks it behind my ear. Soft petals lick my cheekbone. "The colour looks stunning on you," he murmurs.

A bright blush fills my cheeks, turning away my hood blocks our view of each other. Through the thinning crowd, a table full of rolls of colours catches my attention. "What is that?" I point.

"A fabric table." Grabbing my hand a hint of a smile fills his voice, "Come, I want to show you something."

Pushing through the crowd, women part startled by his presence, and before me is a table full of rolled colourful clothes. The material competes with the vibrancy of the flowers themselves. Looking down, my clothes dull and pale in colouring, I had nothing to compare this to. The crowds were filled with blotches of colours draped over the people. Some cloaked in dull colours and others standing out in the hues from amongst the table before me.

A smooth rolled cloth sticks out from the rest of the fabrics, it's smoothness and shines the same as the pedals of a flower glistening with water beads. "May I touch it?" I look up at the man who stands near the table.

The merchant turns to me, his eyes flash with some type of recognition. Leaning into Wilfrid, he chuckles and holds my shoulders, keeping me from fleeing from the man. "Of course, miss, indulge yourself." The delight in his voice only reminds me of Officer Quinton, his hidden ulterior motives hidden behind his joy of who I am.

Unaffected by my sudden fright, the merchant unravels the cloth displaying it in his arms. Cautiously, reaching towards him, I feel the material. Shock coats my features, it is the smoothest cloth I'd ever felt. "It's like touching a flower petal," I gasp.

Wilfrid chuckles at my response, gaining the merchant's attention. "If my eyes deceive me, you both are from the mountains of Scorchbury. Silk is very rare over there, but a dress made of this material would turn any woman's body into a flower under your touch."

A soft giggle escapes me. Wilfrid and I a couple in the mountain regions, what a terrible thought. Wilfrid glares at me, reading my mind and I cover my lips, trying to stifle my amusement. A small crooked smile knowingly creeps up the side of his face, and he kindly turns the man down. "Maybe another day, this is after all her first visit to Willbridge, we aren't leaving soon. What's your name?"

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