Chapter 11 - Part 2

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Fire crackles from the hearth beside me. An orange glow flickers across the carpet I kneel on. Loud scraping of the chair before me follows upon his rising, a recognition of my presence. "Your Majesty." I greet him.

"Returning alone? Those ruffians take out your fleet?" His breath raspy and loud, the man has become sick with grieve even after all these years, and he hid it well within his voice.

With a light chuckle towards his twisted sense of humour, I stand. "They are well, thank you for the concern. But I come with an interesting offer, one that will please you."

He lifts a brow with interest, gesturing towards the chair before his desk and sits down. "Finally willing to take the throne?" The confidence of a king is nothing to medal with, till the day he dies I fear he will remain hopeful of this.

"Never, your Majesty. But I can offer you something else." Sitting down, I wait for his grin to drop from his face, and it does.

Annoyance fills his eyes, thick brown colouring, nothing like Chloe. "What could you possibly offer me besides those traitors heads!"

"Your daughter."

"What game are you playing here, you snake." Instantly, he turns on me, nothing I hadn't expected. Chloe can't ever see this side of him, I need to remove his skepticism before he meets her. Never had I once spoken of her survival, upon each summance I denied her existence, and here I am about to tell him I was wrong.

Her eyes flash before me, the brilliant gem of the kingdom glowing within her like a life form. "Not a game," I promise him, "I've seen her eyes, they shine green like alexandrites."

His teeth grind in deep-seated anger from the many years. Gripping his letter opener, he slams it vengefully into his bitten apple. "You bring me another fraud, and I'll slit the imposter's throat!"

"Lord Albain vouches for her identity."

Prying his fingers from the knife, he grabs another apple, looking it over with unusual interest. "In that case," he tosses me the apple, "I will see the child."

"Once we discuss a few conditions, of course." Tossing the apple up in the air like a ball, I fiddle with it, my confidence leaking through my every muscle.

"Conditions?" Thaddeus chuckles, "Shall I remind you, I am king?"

Snatching the apple from the air, I stop. Glancing towards the door, a guard must be stationed close enough for even hushed tones to be of hearing range. I need to be careful with my word choice. "Forgive me, your Majesty, but she is nervous. Her time there only warped her view of royalty, and I only wish to ease the transition."

"Nervous? No need to worry, I have an excellent suitor already lined up. He will handle her."

Already, he has a suitor lined up, yet she has only just been found. Clenching the armrest, I conceal my own anger. "I am aware of your many offers, as is she," I hiss. "I recommend she adjusts to life in the castle before meeting any potential suitors."

Thaddeus laughs humorlessly. "Do not meddle in royal affairs, Kalen. Learn from your mother's mistakes, and hand the girl over."

Swallowing slowly, it feels like hot lava cakes my throat and fills my veins. Slamming the apple down on the desk, I refuse my king's offer. "Your daughter isn't a pawn, your Majesty, she's a girl, now a woman. I suggest you treat her kindly."

"She is the property of the crown."

"And your daughter!"

He nods with agreement. "Yes, and as her father, I know what is best for her. A swift marriage will rid any ties to those traitors!"

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