Chapter 16 - Part 1

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The wind smashes against the cloth tents, my muscles tensing on alert. It has been weeks since I left her, her limp body cradled in Wilfrid's arms burns my mind with regret. Curled up, her cheeks trembling. I shake my head. This is for her benefit, I can't be distracted now. The wind tugs the opening to the curtain and whips it around. I groan in annoyance, stomping over and securing the drape open.

The forest view now connects the tent back to reality. Taking a fresh breath, the musk and pine filling my senses and my tension eases with a sigh. She must be going crazy trapped behind those stone walls. Racking my hand through my hair, I slump down at my desk, paperwork becoming the death of me. If I only had a clue as to his whereabouts then I wouldn't be held up in this tent, I'd be out there.

Sifting through copies of intercepted letters, I return my attention to the same document I have read all week. Arthur's cursive scratched across the paper in rough copying, is a personal letter between Lord Nicholas and King Thaddeus.

King Thaddeus Holbrook,

With an appreciation for loss, my family has agreed to aid Alexandria during such a hardship. Poverty and debt is a familiarity to us, we understand the risks you took for your family were a necessary downfall of Willbridge's prosperity. With an engagement, my family's wealth would become our family's wealth.

I look forward to meeting with Princess Claire during her welcoming celebration. Our union will flourish along with Alexandria in our reigning.


Lord Nicholas Harris 

I should have known that her return would bring the Harris family out of hiding. To use the bloodline who dethroned them to return themselves to power is practically poetic. Nonetheless, Thaddeus is blind when it comes to the Harris family, murdering his first love, their kin, grew an undeniable debt to them.

Queen Catherine had been an icon, the Harris family inherited lands and title all from her reign. If I don't nip this attempt soon, then I could have a war on my hands. Rolling my eyes at my thoughts, I laugh a breath. I have refused to get involved with royal affairs for years, what is this girl doing to me? I can't think of this right now, I need to find that boy. Popping the top of my canteen I take a swig of ale, feeling it burn down my throat. I can't let that pest's desire for the crown interferes with my hunt of Tristan.

Cecile comes bouncing into my tent, her aura filling the room with excitement and joy. I clench my jaw. "What is it?"

She laughs, slapping her hands to her hip and snaps with attitude, "You needn't be so rude."

"I don't have time for this," I glare at her through my lashes while continuing to stare at the letter as if my interest is focused on it.

Swishing her hips, she leans over my desk and skims the letter herself. "Still bothering you huh?"

Tossing the paper away with disinterest, I reach out for another page. "I'm searching for Tristan."

Her sarcastic laugh grinds my teeth, she always could read my thoughts no matters my effort to avoid it. "No, we are out there searching for him while you sit here stewing over some letter. Stop biting my buttox, I get it."

"Get that attitude in check, sis," I snarl, holding her eyes with a harsh stare.

She sighs, "Kalen, I know it's hard to learn that you were engaged to her. If she were born a man, it could have been me. I don't know what I would have done but don't give up on Mother's wishes."

"I want nothing to do with the Holbrook reign. Our mother had no idea what she got involved in."

She slams her hands on my desk. "You're married to a Holbrook!" Her temper getting the better of her, watching her breaths I count them. Soon, her tense ticking neck muscles return to normal, her pulse had leveled, and she steps away respectfully. "What if she did Kalen? What if she tried to protect the princess from this exact situation? What if she failed and you can save Chloe?" She grew up with grand ideals of the world. The monks just fueled that fire in her. I can't blame her though, if I didn't know better, I would be planning to get that girl away from the throne, but I can't. She is between two evils and at the center of an inevitable war.

I scrape my hand over my face, exhausted with this argument. "Stop dreaming, Cecile, we aren't at the temple anymore. Greed and deceit thrive here."

"I understand that I'm not some-"

Howard busts into the tent, his arrival pumps blood through my muscle and instantly I'm on high alert. Shoving my chair back, I lean over the desk, anxiety coursing through my mind. "He is coming," he pants.

Tristan is coming here? Is the man insane? The Northern Clan is supposed to be far more cunning than this. Let alone Chadwick's history with storming the castle. There is no way his son would be so foolish. "Here?" I hiss.

"The ball," he bellows.

We haven't had a ball in nearly eighteen years. When did this happen? I glance down at my desk, scanning for any oversight of the invitation. "What ball?"

Cecile shifts her eyes to the side, she knows something. Of course, she would. Holding my focus on her, the pressure of my stare bothering her. She gasps and words spew out of her mouth like hot fire, "The King doesn't wish for you to attend considering your contract to the princess, but they are hosting a celebration in her honour. Invited all the lords, welcoming them to court her from then on."

So the King is determined to find a successor quickly. This explains the negotiations between him and Nicholas. What deception, Chloe has no idea what she is about to walk into. I roll my eyes. "And you are just telling me this now?"

"You weren't invited," she snaps.

Turning my scrutiny to Howard, he gulps. "Your certain he will be there?"

"Positive, they have an informant. I suspect that is how they will get around the guards. She will be taken that night."

An informant working for the Northern Clan inside the castle, how long had this person been hiding there? This explains why they knew I was coming, and why I can't find the bastard. I should have known.

I'm not exactly welcome to the event, how am I going to keep Chloe away from Tristan? Setting up guards would be difficult, forced to the sidelines to watch from a distance with all the lords hounding her for attention. I can't risk her like this, what am I expected to do? Forbid her attendance? As her husband, I have that right, under my agreement with the King that would be considered unacceptable. Wait a minute, my gaze shifts from my thoughts and to Cecile, "All lords?"

She nods with a sly smile, she had been waiting for me to figure this out. I hold all the cards. The Princess belongs to me, and I'm acting like my hands are tied strategy wise. I'm such a fool.

"Round everyone up, looks like we will be visiting my wife."

~ Has Kalen fallen in love with Chloe or is he merely bound to his mother's last wishes? Is Tristan really going to be at this ball? The ball that Chloe is trying to escape from. ~

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