~*Chapter 2*~

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  The flight was absolutely lavish. Food was amazing and it was so quiet, I did some of my Hangul textbooks. The lessons were easy and very laid out, so anybody could understand! I had learned twenty words each day, and with the extra words I learned on the flight, I knew over two-hundred words!
  When the flight ended, a very stern looking man was waiting for the seven men. He had eight drinks, and a line of girls were just screaming and recording the passengers getting out.
Weird I thought.I needed to get to the school as fast as I could, so I asked a lovely worker where I could go to get a cab. She said to follow her. I did and it was just my luck. I was in the same direction as the men.
  I caught some started and whispers, and I thought they were for me.
  It was so confusing! Then it struck me. These people are probably famous!Im so dense!
  The lady snapped my thoughts and showed me where the cabs were.
  I saw the cabs lined up in rows. Or so I thought.They were bikes!! I was so exasperated I just said thanks and rode the bike. They were pretty though. I rode to Hankuk University and was astonished! It was such a beauty!
  I met BoRa Kim and got my schedule, and my dorm number.
As I walked into my dorm, I could already smell the pork. I gagged. I was SUPER allergic to pork. Like I couldn't even have anything FLAVORED pork. Yet smelling pork is no problem.
" Oh,sorry!You must be the foreign student! Everybody has been talking about you!" A beautiful girl stepped from the kitchen. Long dark brown hair, with hazel eyes. She had perfect height and even with apron and gloves, she could win a fashion competition. She had olive skin, and looked pretty friendly. I knew we were going to be close friends.
"My name is Oh Ji Na.Nice to meet you!" She held out her hand and I shook it.
" I'm Mirae.Nice to meet you too.Could you show me my classes tomorrow?" I replied in Hangul.
~*Four years later*~
My hand was trembling. This was my last date with the guy I felt like we were destined to be together.
Jung In Suk.We met on my first day of business class,and he was very welcoming.We started to hit it off.We were practically BFFS until he asked me out. We became a couple and he was probably the best thing that happened to me in Korea.
" Hey." He greeted me, " I called you here cause it's our first place we met." he had the slightest smile. "thought it would be...cute.That's what girls say — right?"
"Well, let's order some food!"
I ordered some spicy tteokbokki, and he ordered alfredo pasta.
We ate in silence, a few talks here and there.Until he cleared his throat.
"Look,Mirae. You're a wonder girl,and i'd love to spend my life with you,but"
The but killed me. I knew what was gonna happen. Colour drained from my face.
  I could feel my heart ready to fall out. The outfit I had planned no longer looked like it was cute on me. It was now full of sorrow.
"We're college kids. We have no money. I thought this over and I decided we should part our ways.Take a break. We can talk once we find ourselves in life and are on our feet."
  I was flabbergasted.My four year relationship,only to be thrown away?
" But we ARE on our feet,Suk!We can stay together in a small apartment with my monthly deposits! We are OK!"
  I was doing all I could to save our reflationary ship, but it seemed like he made excuses.Like he was tired of me.
"No we're not!We can't always depend on our parents!They'll die anyways! We can't be together!"
Tears were slowly released from my chestnut eyes.The fact he said it so simply and without emotion and so quickly made me feel rejected.
"Seriously?We have been together for four years, and now you're calling it off? Wow.Over us not relying on our parents." I snatched my book bag from my chair and stormed out the door.
  I cursed at him and deleted his contact off his phone.But if he still would want to contact me, I had his phone number memorized by heart.
  I got a glimpse of him sulking and balling his fist.I felt bad for yelling at him.He had a reason too. I mean yes,we couldn't rely on our parent anymore we —No!He did this!He gets the consequences!
I called Ji Na and asked her to pick me up.My nose was starting to get runny.
" Hey! What's up?"
" Can you pick me up.Like now?"
"Sure.Whats wrong?"
"I'll tell you on the way. Come quick please.Come as soon as you can."
I told her all about it and she consoled me.Graduation sucked even more.I had nobody but friends to see me.
When I got home from graduation,In Suk's voice echoed throughout my mind. I decided I should try to apply to jobs,like it was me applying for colleges, yet this was my adult life.
I took a small break and played my guitar. I sang my lyrics and peace flowed through me.
I went back to my laptop and applied everywhere they had music involved. So I basically had no options.
Until I came across a music company named Big Hit.
I applied and when I decided to check my mail the next day, they messaged me. Apparently they wanted me to come down to their building for an interview.

A/N:Sorry the story isn't really going much. I'm trying to move it forward not too fast but in a pace where readers can still know what's going on.The story will get better in the next episodes! Stay tuned!
- Zia

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