Chapter 1: New Player

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"Hurry up, Levi!" Erwin began to whine as I began to log onto the game. I was out of breath as I slowly began to type my username and password. "Come on, we're waiting on you to host it-"

"Shut up, Erwin. Jeez, give me some space and time." I rolled my eyes as the loading screen began to load and I quickly plugged in my headphones and pulled my microphone close to me. "I'm logging on right now."

"Good, slowpoke." Eld chuckles softly as I finally got it.

Clicking the host button, I sighed and began to talk. "Alright, I'm hosting it right now. Get on." And instantly, I saw all their online names coming on. 

With me as Undefeated_Captain910, Petra was Sweet_Honey_Tree, Eld as NumberUno, Gunther was NeverEndingLover, and Oluo as Talkative_Dummy. Erwin's username was EyebrowGalore -as a joke. We then switched to a different call for us gamers. 

"Hey Levi, think that this new guy would be a good player?" Oluo began to ask, teasingly. "I wanna see if he could hold his own again-"

"Oluo! Calm down, idiot. I'm sure this new guy would be awesome. Though... I wish it was a girl." Petra sighed heavily. "So far, this is a 'boys only' club... not including any other girls."

I sighed, seeing how she is completely the only one out. "I'll search for another member... okay? A female one. Just for you, Petra..." I chuckled a bit as we began to play this new game. But there was an error... it was an odd number. "Uh... guys? We might have a problem..." 

"Like what?" Erwin laughs as Eren joins the call. 

"We need an even amount of players. We got 7, if the computer is accurate." I respond, groaning at the pain Eren just made it. "Eren, it's your fault."

"What?!" His scared voice made it funny as I recounted the usernames... stopping at Slayer104. "I-I didn't do anything! I swear!"

Everyone chuckled as I began to search for another player... but sadly, there was no other players that everyone knew. So... we had to find a stranger. And suddenly, I got a friend request. Curious, I ignored the chatter in the call and began to read CrazyChildXOXO's profile.

It was pretty vague, but their stats in this game was... actually pretty high. I was almost convinced to invite them to the game with me as a host. "Hey guys, listen to me." They all stopped their chattering and became silence. "I got a friend request, and I'm thinking of inviting them to play with us. Is it okay?"

They all soon became unanimously, agreeing. And I then accepted their friend request and invited them to join.

"Call please." Eren chuckles softly as CrazyChildXOXO entered the server.

A small text appeared as the user responds: "One second. Need to get my headphones in order." We all acknowledged and waited for them to come on. A second later, the user comes onto the call and shyly- we were just shocked by the voice. "Hello?" A small, female voice comes on.

Petra chuckled softly, finally getting her wish. "Welcome! I'm Sweet_Honey_Tree. Nice to meet you."

CrazyChildXOXO chuckled softly, "You guys can call me Hannah if you guys want." She chuckles nervously as we began to settle inside the game.

*   *   *

"Hey... er... Hannah... I was wondering if you want to come with me to the forest. That way the little old Erwin won't be complaining that we don't have some food. Pretty sure he's starving... for attention." I snickered as I walked towards the forest with supplies.

"Uncalled for, Levi. Uncalled for." Erwin sighed as Hannah laughed with it. She's beginning to fit in more and more as she hung out with us. "Eren, do me a favor and make this thing. We need it."

"Yessir." Eren says as I'm guessing he went straight to work.

Hannah chuckled softly, "Yeah, I'm coming. Where are you?"

"Near the forest entrance." I chuckled, looking around for her. "Where are you?"

"Um... nowhere!" Her voice grew hyper and everyone began to laugh with suspicion. "Just... a private place. Nothing for you guys."

Petra chuckled softly, "Heh... Levi, stop trying to dig into the girl's business. One thing you gotta know is that you cannot mess with a girl's stuff."

"Thank you!" Hannah shouts. "Someone who finally gets it. Um... Petra... right?"

"Uh huh! Wow... I can't believe this is awesome... a girl- finally! Hah! Levi, thanks for inviting her here."

I shrugged my shoulders. "Thank her for sending me that friend request- speaking of which... Hannah, why did you send me a friend request? I don't recall... like, ever meeting you." My brain scanned my memories... but I came up with nothing.

Hannah remained silent, but sighed a few seconds later. "Well... I just went through a small betrayal of my 'friends' and they practically dumped me away. I wanted to play, so I just scavenged for people... sending friend requests to random people. You're actually the only one who accepted it. Everyone else... kinda rejected it."

The blood in my cheeks increased as she said those last two sentences. "O-Oh... y-you're welcome."

My group was completely silent- simply awkward when we continued to play. People attempted to break the ice again, but only ended up going back to an awkward atmosphere.

*   *   *

"Alright. See ya tomorrow, Erwin." I bid my goodbyes to him as he was the second to last person to leave the call. Only Hannah remained in-call.

I sighed softly, looking at the time. "Hey... uh, Hannah... question for you."


"What time is it for you? It's 11:42 pm for me."

She chuckles softly, "Wow. Same time for me, Levi. We're in the same timezone." She continues to chuckle. "Kinda possible for us to meet one day, huh? Oh... sorry... too quick... I'm a bit, how do I say this? Kinda... eccentric..."

Just listening to her alone... it was... nice. No one else to hear us. "That's okay. Anyways... get some rest. I got school tomorrow at 8. See ya tomorrow then. Around 5- we get on and play."

She chuckles nervously and right as I began to leave the call, she stops me. "Levi... wait. C-Can I tell you something?"

"Sure... anything."

Hannah sighed heavily, "My real name... isn't Hannah. I only did it because I panicked when I entered the call. But seeing how close you guys are... I... I want to be a part of it. And I'm sorry for lying, Levi..."

"Well... what is your name? Your real one, if you don't mind me asking."

"It's... Hanji. My real name is Hanji."

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