26- First daughter

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Nyema Bankz

"I don't know Nye what if mama don't like it" Nelly said laying across my bed

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"I don't know Nye what if mama don't like it" Nelly said laying across my bed. She wants my help to tell mama how she hates cheerleading and wants to do volleyball.

"And if she don't she's going to be fine with it Nel it is your life" I shrugged looking into my mirror at my desk.

"But what if she's not I don't know about you but mama scares me " she sigh. I know how she mean hearing about her background and how she used to be can do that to ya. Plus she don't play at all that's why me and Nas stayed on the A honor roll.

"Stop being over dramatic everything's going to be fine " I laughed at her because she looked like she was about to cry.

"What's good my babies " Nas yelled walking into my room.

"What's good sissy" Kobe yelled walking in behind him. "What y'all thing this is the trap house?" I asked because now all of us are in my room now.

"Shut the fuck up man what y'all doing in here?" Nas said sitting on my couch by Kobe.

"Big head scared to tell Ma she don't want to do cheerleading no more" I chuckled fixing up my hair. "This is hard and not only that I want to play volleyball I want to get into the studio with you guys" she sighs.

"Who? Me? I don't rap that's all Nye sports my thing mainly " Nas shrugged.

"Please talk to ma about the rapping can you already do that for me Nye ?" She asked and I said yeah.

"Yay" she scream. "Only if you wash my basketball clothes for 2 weeks me and Nas " I smirked at her.

"OH MY GOD fine" she said rolling over.

"You want to help me Kobe"

"I'm good sis" he said laughing.

"What we getting ma for her birthday it's in 4 months?" Nas asked kicking he's feet up.

"I don't know we should ask daddy tomorrow when we visit and get your dirty ass foot off my bed nigga" I said turning around in my chair and he suck his teeth.

"Sounds like a plan" Nelly said looking at my door.

"Y'all hear that?" She asked.

"No" we said listening and heard music.

"When do mama play music this loud on a weekday ?" Nas asked as we all got up and headed downstairs to see mama and jay dancing a laughing together.

"Shawty your my angel your my darling ba-baby shawty my your my freak when I'm in need ya ya" they sing together.

"Look at y'all being cute " Nas chuckled.

"Yeah ma and steppy " Nelly yelled putting them on Snapchat.

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