A Day Just for Us - Part 1 (MJJ Imagine No. 20)

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#imagine you're slowly driving through a narrow parking lot after having lunch with your parents. Just as you turn the corner, a little girl, around six years old, looks at you from the sidewalk then steps down and walks right out in front of you, all the while looking directly at you. You brake and come to a stop a few feet from her. She continues to look at you over the hood of your car. In fact, she stares you down. You place your car in park. You'd recognize that little girl's face anywhere. You saw her face for the first time when she was around four when an entire photo album from a private photo shoot with her father and brother was stolen by one of her father's employees and sold to a couple tabloids for money.

"Paris?" you say out loud as you open your car door. Out of the corner of your eye, you see her father turn from the limo he was opening the door to. Pure fear shows on his face and all color has been drained from it. You know that even with his Vitiligo, his skin tone is not the white many tabloids alter his photos with before publishing them, but at this moment his face is as white as a sheet of paper. He runs toward his daughter as you kneel down in front of her.

"Paris, are you okay? I could have hit you and you could have gotten hurt."

Her father reaches the two of you and scoops her into his arms, hugging her tightly and cradling her against him as if to protect her. You stand up and watch them as he quietly yet sternly talks to her. "Paris, you never, ever walk into the street or a parking lot without me. You never, ever, leave my side unless I tell you it's okay." He looks at you then looks back at his daughter. "Are you hurt anywhere?"

"No, Daddy. This nice lady didn't hit me." He looks back at you.

"I wasn't going fast enough to hit her and I saw her step off the sidewalk."

"Thank you for being so vigilant." He hugs his daughter more and places a kiss on the side of her head.

"I am curious though," you state.

He looks at you. "Curious?"

"I saw her look at me then walk right out in front of me." He looks from you to Paris. "May I ask her a question?" He looks back at you and nods his head yes. "Paris?" She looks at you. "Why did you look at me then walk in front of my car and continue to stare at me over the hood?"

She looks at her father for a few seconds. "Answer the lady, Paris," he tells her. She looks at you.

"Daddy saw you eating lunch," she states.

"Okay," you hesitantly respond. You look at her father. He quickly looks away.

"Daddy told Mark he wanted to meet you but he didn't want to bother you because you were with some people." You look at him once more and see the color return to his face, but in a slight shade of red. He still doesn't look at you. You smile and silently giggle.

"My parents," you state. He looks at you.

Paris looks at him and in a matter of fact tone, she tells him, "See, Daddy. Her mommy and daddy aren't here and now you met her." She then begins to wiggle to try to get out of his hold. He puts her down. She stands next to him, her little hand tenderly enveloped by his large hand, looking up at him with a huge smile on her face. Both of you stand there completely at a loss for words.

After a few moments, you speak up and hold out your hand. "It was nice to meet you, Mr. Jackson, but I should go. I don't want to hold you up."

He shakes your hand, pausing a moment or two longer than necessary before letting go. You start to leave and hear him say, "Could you wait for a moment?"


"I'll be right back." You watch him walk with Paris back to the limo. He helps her in then speaks to a larger gentleman you're assuming is one of his bodyguards. You watch him as he jogs back to you. "I want to apologize for my daughter walking out in front of you. She normally doesn't leave my side."

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