A Day Just for Us - Part 2 (MJJ Imagine No. 20)

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Imagine after touring the house, you follow Michael into the kitchen and lean against the center island. "Would you like a glass of wine or fresh squeezed lemonade?"

"Lemonade sounds good." As he moves about the kitchen, you tell him, "I think this is my favorite room."

"Why's that?" he asks as he pours lemonade into two tall glasses.

"The fireplace. It's gorgeous. You can cook a five course meal with it."

He hands you your lemonade then leans against the cabinets opposite you and rests his hands on the edge of the counter on each side of him. "A five course meal?" You nod your head yes.

"Has your chef ever used it to cook?"

"Not that I'm aware of. I have lit it a few times though in the evening for the ambiance."

"How long do you plan on living here?"

He shrugs his shoulders then crosses his arms. "Neverland has been tainted with evil lies and the house was torn apart by the police when they raided it the last time."

"They tore it apart? The video of the raid in case there was a trial showed them amazed and careful."

"For the camera. They came back a year later before the jury selection and ransacked it. Employees and guests told me most of the damage was done on purpose."

"What did they do?"

"My children's toys were cut up and broken. Many of the books in my library were torn apart. I had a lot of old, priceless books that were destroyed. My room is all overturned boxes and drawers emptied and thrown everywhere. I don't know what they where looking for in the toys and books. I can understand my room, but my children's toys? What were they expecting to find in my children's toys? Do you know how many toys my children wanted from their bedrooms but I couldn't get them because they were broken? Do you know how many tears I had to deal with because of that? How could they do that to three innocent children?"

"I'm so sorry, Michael."

"I wasn't home at the time they came in. Each time they conveniently waited until I was out of the country. Literally waited until they got word the plane had landed and I was off it. When I got home this last time, my employees didn't have the chance to clean up anything. I walked in, took one look at it and left. My children and I lived in one of my cottages until I left the country a week after the trial ended. When I walked out, that was the last time I set foot in the Main House."

"When did you return to the U.S.?"

"Seven or eight months ago. Kept it pretty quiet until my family learned I was back and living in Vegas. Problems with Joseph and my brothers over money they claim I owe them started up again."

"How can you owe them money? Haven't you supported them? Haven't they taken from you without your permission?" He looks down and brings one hand up and rests his fingers on the bridge of his nose while closing his eyes. You put your lemonade down and walk over to him. You don't know why, but you uncross his arms and wrap your arms around him to give him a hug. "I'm sorry. I was out of line with those questions. I'm also sorry your sanctuary was destroyed." He hugs you back.

"You weren't out of line. It's not like my interactions with my family remain private." You continue to hug him for a few minutes before letting him go and leaning back. He moves his arms down but keeps them around your waist with his hands locked at the small of your back. He sighs. "So here I am. My family knows I'm still in the U.S., just not where. I've never told them about this place. It's killing me not telling Mother where I am, but I don't want any of them here and they'd get it out of her. I've stayed in this town plenty of times before when I needed some peace and the people here seem to protect me from outsiders. I'm not sure why, but they do. I've caught wind of people asking about me being here and they'd say something like 'That's news to me' or 'If he were here we'd definitely know he was'. That's why I bought this place in this little corner of New England. No one knows I'm here and no one hangs out at the end of my driveway. Although I do miss my fans a lot."

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