A Day Just for Us - Part 7 (MJJ Imagine No. 20)

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Imagine spending another night with Michael talking into the wee hours of the morning.

“Morning, sleepyhead,” you hear.  You bury yourself deeper into your blankets.  “It’s time to get up.”

“Michael, leave me alone.  We just went to bed.”

“It’s noon.”

“I’m not falling for that trick again.  I need some sleep.”

“It’s not a trick.  Listen.”  Just then, you hear his grandfather clock begin to chime.  You count them.  One, two, three, . . . , eleven, twelve.  You sit up quickly.

“Michael!  Why’d you let me sleep until noon?  I’ve just wasted half our weekend together!”  He doesn’t say a word.  Instead he lies there on his side laughing.  “It’s not funny, Michael.”  He laughs harder.  “What are you laughing at?”


“Me?  What did I do?”

“What do you have against sleeping until noon?  We talked and cuddled until 5:30 this morning among other things.”  He bites his lower lip and smiles.  You roll your eyes.

“I have nothing against sleeping that late when I’m home alone because I stayed up late.  But we only really have the weekends to spend time together.  Sleeping until noon is a waste.”

“It’s not noon.  It’s only 9:30.”


“I moved the clock ahead.”  You fall back on your pillow.

“Why did you do that?  My heart is racing.  It’s not nice to wake someone up like that.”

“When’s the last time I did that to you?”

“The morning after we met.”  You lay there thinking for a few moments.

We stayed up late.  He wanted me in his bed while he took the guest room.  The noon trick.  9:30.


“Yes, my beautiful Bebop?”

“Last night, or rather this morning, you told me you wanted me to sleep in your bed because you were going to sleep in the guest room for a change.”  You sit up and look around.  “Where are the kids?”  He lifts an eyebrow.  You lean over him and look over the side of the bed.  You smile at what you find then lean back.”

“What’s that smile for?”

“Today marks one year from the morning you first woke me up.  You’re recreating our first morning.”

He lifts his hand and places it at the back of your neck.  He gently pulls you down toward him and kisses you.  “I am.  I kept you up late so I could pull the noon trick on you again although I had to do it a little differently since I knew you’d tell me you weren’t falling for that again.”

“Using the clock was good.  Kudos.”  He grins from ear to ear.  You laugh.

“Mark and the kids are with Lemon and she’s taken them for the weekend.”

“And you made breakfast.”  He nods a yes.  “French toast with powdered sugar, strawberries and blueberries?”

“You got it, babe.”  He kisses you.  “And you can’t forget the carrot-orange juice.”  You laugh.

“We certainly can’t forget that.  I’m surprised you haven’t turned into a carrot or an orange.  You drink enough of it.”  You both laugh.

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