A Day Just for Us - Part 8 (MJJ Imagine No. 20)

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It’s been almost a year since Michael proposed to you.  You moved in that day and that was the last time either of you slept in one of the guest rooms.  He wanted you in his bed with him and that’s where you’ve slept ever since.  Right now you’re sitting in the living room reading a magazine anxiously waiting for him to return from some business back in California.  You weren’t able to join him on this trip due to prior engagements arising from your latest novel published a couple weeks ago.  The kids flew out with him and will be staying at Hayvenhurst with Katherine for three weeks.  They’ve missed her so much and were counting down the days until they would see her.  They’d call her every night to tell her how many days were left.

The phone rings and you get up to answer it.  You talk with the caller for a good twenty minutes before hanging up.  You can’t contain your excitement over the news you were just given.  You scream and dance a jig.  Within a couple minutes, a member of Michael’s security team comes running into the room.  He comes to an abrupt halt when you look at him.

“Sorry, Gil!  I just got the best news!”  You dance another little jig then walk over to him, put your hands on his shoulders and kiss him on the cheek.  You look at your watch.  “Michael should be here in a few minutes.  Go out and meet them, then you and Mark get into the truck and take the night off.  Go have some fun.  Tell Michael I need to speak to him and that I gave you two the night off.  Come home late.  Come home very, very late.”  He just looks at you.  “Michael’s moodiness is going to disappear right after he walks in.  No more moody Michael worrying about our wedding.”  He smiles back at you with a good idea he knows why.

Just as he turns to leave, you both hear Michael’s SUV pulling up in front of the house.  Gil leaves and you watch him as he talks to Michael then to Mark.  Michael looks at him with a puzzled look.  You watch Gil wave him toward the house.  Michael looks from Gil to Mark and to the house.  He walks up the path and looks back at the SUV.  Mark and Gil wave to him as they begin the drive down the driveway.  He slowly walks into the house.

“Bebop?” he calls out.  You hear an underlying tone of worry in his voice.

“Michael!  I’m so glad you’re home!” you answer him.  He follows the sound of your voice.

“Are you okay?  Gil told me you told him to take Mark and leave.”

“I did.”


“Because tonight is all about you and me.  We are going to be doing a lot of celebrating.”

“We are?”

“We are.”

“What are we celebrating?” he asks as he places his hands on your hips.  He gently draws you to him and places a tender kiss on your lips.  “I missed you.”

“I missed you, too.”  You look up at him and smile from ear to ear.  “How would you like to get married on the date we originally wanted?”

“Our anniversary?”  You nod your head yes.  “How?”

“I just got off the phone with Fr. Grady about ten minutes ago.”

“And?” he nervously asks.

“And the church is reserved for us that day.  He’ll be marrying us because the Tribunal granted both your annulments.”  He stares at you for a few moments.

“They granted both?” he asks surprised.

“Don’t be so surprised.  Why wouldn’t they?”

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