A Day Just for Us - Part 5 (MJJ Imagine No. 20)

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Imagine that you and Michael talked into the wee hours of the morning.  It was four o'clock by the time you both went to bed.

You snuggle deeper into your pillow and under the blankets. You don't want to hear your name being called, no matter how softly it's coming from the voice you love. You hear chuckling as you feel the blankets being pulled away from your face.

"It's too early. I just fell asleep," you grumpily tell him.

"It's close to noon." Your eyes fly open and you quickly sit up. You hear Michael laughing and look at him.

"Noon? You let me sleep 'til noon!!" He laughs more.

"No. It's only 9:30." You fall back against your pillow and pull the blankets over your head. You hear him continue to laugh. "Got you back!"

"That was mean. Now my heart is racing."

"I'm sorry, Bebop." You throw the blankets off your face and look at him.

"Bebop. Why do you keep calling me 'Bebop' then kiss me before I can ask you about it?"

"Because when you got in your car you were be-bopping around. I assume it's because I asked you on a date. And then when you were following us, you were still be-bopping and your mouth was going so I assumed you were singing along to whomever you had playing." The blankets fly back over your head. He pulls them back and looks at you. "Were you listening to me?" he asks with a silly grin.

"Maybe." You feel your face begin to get warm.

"You're cute when you're singing and dancing in your seat while driving."

"Oh God." You pull your pillow over your face since he's leaning on your blankets to prevent you from covering yourself with them. You peek one eye out. "How do you know I was doing that? You don't have a back window in your limo."

"I was watching you when we were in the parking lot. At the light, Mark told me you caught up to us so I asked him what you were doing. He told me it looked like you were singing and dancing in your seat. He also said you had a smile from ear to ear. Every now and then I asked him to look out his side view mirror and tell me if you were still be-bopping around. Each time he said you were." You cover your eye and slide down under the blankets. He laughs. "Your breakfast is getting cold."

"You really made me breakfast?" You emerge from the blankets and sit up. "I thought all four of you were going to? Where are the kids?" you ask while scanning the room.

"They're not home."

"Not home? What do you mean they're not home? Where are they?"

"My neighbor missed us. We were gone for a couple weeks and just got back the day before yesterday. She's like a grandmother to my children and she called wanting to know if she could take them. Mark's with them."

You lie back down and turn onto your side to face him. "You let your kids go out without you?"

"Why wouldn't I? Isn't that what parents do with people they trust?"

"Yeah, but you're you and can you really trust people?"

"I try to give them as normal a life as I can. That means when I find someone like Clementine, I learn to trust that person. Granted most people think I go a bit overboard by having Mark run a background check, but I need that extra security because of who I am. She takes them for weekends here and there. I want them to experience things that I could never do as a child because of Joseph's strict regimen or even as a teenager because we were always found out and swarmed by fans. It gives them a chance to have fun without the veils because I'm not around. They can even forgo their code names unless she has company. In either case, no one is the wiser."

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