Chapter 4 | Nothing but Books

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The moment the door closed behind her, Anadil sprinted  to the library. She felt like someone was piling rocks on her chest making it harder and harder to breathe. It felt like her world was collapsing and nothing made sense. Anadil was so preoccupied with her thoughts, that she didn't see the person coming her way until she shoulder charged right into them.
"Anadil," She looked up to see Aric with a devilish look on his face, "What are you doing wandering around at this time?"
"I was just getting a book from the library," she said trying to avoid his eye contact.
"Funny, I was just going to check out some commotion I heard coming from down near your room. You wouldn't know anything about that would you?" He questioned.
"No I wouldn't, now if you wouldn't mind I'd like to get my book from the library so I can continue studying." Anadil pushed past Aric and when he was no longer in sight, she continued to sprint. When she finally reached the dim library, she made her way to the one place where nobody would find her, making it her temporary safe haven, that separated her from reality.

Hester laid on her bed looking up at the ceiling. The room echoed Dot's loud snores, making it impossible to fall asleep. It had been at least two hours now and Anadil still hadn't returned. Not that Hester cared or anything. She wasn't as angry as before, but she still felt deeply betrayed. How could her best friend do something like that to her? Suddenly, Hester stood up. She didn't know why, but a strange urge was pushing her to move despite the unbearable pain, she felt in every limb. The tattooed witch, let her feet guide her through the school until, she was out of breathe, in front of the library doors.

Hester quietly crept down the isles searching for her lost friend. Five, ten, fifteen minutes passed and the albino witch still was nowhere to be found. Giving up all hope, Hester headed for the door, but then she heard it. Soft squeaks that came from the far end of the library. She swiftly made her way in the direction of the familiar sound, until she reached the back wall. But there was nothing. Nothing but books on rotten, wooden bookcases. Suddenly out of the corner of her eye she saw a rat, almost invisible, but it's red eyes gave it away. Hester moved towards the small creature and watched it slip behind the bookcase. She followed it and found a gap obscured by other shelves. The witch slithered in through the gap, and discovered a small space,  big enough for a person to fit and still not be seen. She saw why Anadil chose to come here.

Even with her back facing the tattooed witch, her silver hair, despite being in the dark, was unmistakable. As Hester placed herself next to Anadil, she tried not to disturb her.     

       "I thought you hated me," Anadil said, breaking the silence . She turned to face Hester, both girls illuminated by her green finger glow. Dried tears stained the albino's cheeks and her lip quivered ever so slightly.
       "Ani..." Hester started, in hushed voice.
       "I'm sorry okay. I'm sorry I saved you. I'm sorry for being the worthless Never I am. I'm sorry for being your friend. I'm sorry for everything okay?" The witches voice breaking at the end as tears fell down her face. Hester had never seen her so vulnerable, so broken. Gone was the witch that placed second to her. Gone was the witch that would help her plot and carry out evil schemes. Gone was the girl that was her friend.
      "I'm sorry,"  Hester uttered for the first time in her life. Her hand reached forward and grabbed Anadil's hand.
     "I just couldn't watch you die," she said, her voice barely a whisper. Hester wiped the tears off her friends face. She felt guilty about what she said, Anadil was just looking out for her, like she always had.
    "Ani I'm safe now, because of you I'm alive. I know I was horrible before, but you saved me and that's a debt I can never repay. You're my best friend and I don't deserve you." Then Hester did something she thought she would never do.

She hugged Anadil.
And Anadil hugged her back.

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