Chapter 12 | Missing Her

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The next week passed by quickly, and it was only a matter of hours before they were supposed to leave the Lady of the Lake's hidden sanctuary. Anadil had somehow successfully avoided talking to Hester since that first night they arrived, and although she did miss her somewhat, she also felt empowered for the first time in a long time. Being away from Hester had made her realise that she wasn't just someone's henchman, but her own villainous being. Even though she had to work twice as hard with two mentors and watching them spend all day being in love was insufferable, it was worth it.

The three witches worked silently to help prepare the bags they were taking on their journey. A feeling of remorse filled the farmhouse, as the group, both young and old, felt as though their stories were about to end. Whether it be for the good or the bad they didn't know, but they knew that those few hours they had before the bloodshed were precious, as it might be the last they have of peace.

Hester was dreading the coming-war. Usually, like any other villain, the idea of pain and violence enticed her, but whenever she thought about it, her chest felt hollow and her mind clouded, as if her subconscious refused to accept the conflict that was about to take place. Maybe it was the idea of seeing her mother as a decaying corpse, or perhaps it was the was the fear of seeing her close friends or other classmates injured or dead. Even though she hated to admit it, Hester had grown to care about the people around her.

The tattooed witch looked over at her two friends. There was a chance that after the battle was fought, their coven might not be a three anymore. Of course she didn't doubt the other two witch's abilities, but war was brutal and no matter how prepared you were, how skilled or smart you were, there was still a possibility that you might not make it. Hester suddenly felt her stomach drop, as realisation hit her like a bus. She wasn't a sentimental person, but she had to say something.
"Do you guys wanna go for a walk?" She awkwardly asked. Dot and Anadil looked at her like she was crazy, but they saw the pleading look in Hester's eyes and agreed.

A cool breeze swept through the moors, sending shivers up Anadil's spine. She wrapped her arms across her stomach, as her and Dot swiftly followed Hester down the dimly lit path. It had been very odd of Hester to ask them to go for a walk in the dark, Anadil was hesitant to do so at first, but the urgency her friends face conveyed, convinced her to say yes. They reached the shore of a shallow pond and Anadil and Dot looked at Hester expectantly, as if waiting for her to speak.

"Look...uh..." The usually confident witch, grew awkward and uncomfortable, not knowing what to say. "There's a chance that we might not survive after today, and I know it kinda sucks to think about, but you guys mean a lot to me and I think I would regret it if something happened and I didn't say something. You have always been more than my henchmen, you're my closest friends and I would've probably died without you."

Hester scratched the back of her neck. This was extremely out of character for her. She usually avoided talking about these things, she didn't want people to see her as soft or emotional, but she need to tell her friends how she felt. Dot reached forward and gave Hester a bone-crushing hug. She groaned as the air was squeezed out of her lungs and tried to suppress her smile, but eventually gave in. Anadil tried to step back, because she felt as though she was lurking, but Dot grabbed her and pulled her in too. She tightly squeezed the witches and although they could barely breathe, they felt comforted by Dot's hug, she only let go when Anadil claimed to have heard her ribs crack.

"We should get back soon, they might think we did a Sophie if we're gone too long," Anadil snickered.

"Ooooo, I think that they made oatmeal, we but hurry or otherwise it will go cold." Dot said. She began to swiftly make her way back to the house, as Anadil turned to follow her.

"Ani wait-" Hester said, as she reached forward and grabbed her wrist. Anadil turned back to face her. "I feel like we've barely talked this whole week, is something wrong?"

"No Hester, nothing's wrong." Anadil stated, in a monotone voice.

"Then why have you been ignoring and avoiding me?" She asked.

"I haven't been avoiding you," Anadil replied. Obviously she was lying. "There's a war about to take place and we've both been busy with our mentors, of course we hadn't had time to talk. And we still don't. When this is all over we can talk, but until then we have to focus on fixing Sophie and Agatha's mess of a storybook."

With that Anadil left Hester alone by the pond. She knew Anadil was right, they had to focus on the problem at hand, but she's felt so empty throughout the last week and she just wanted to talk to her. But of course Hester didn't miss her. Sure she had nobody to tell her weird dreams to, or to make fun of Hort with, or to discuss their probably grim future, but she didn't miss her. Even though it was strange not to hear her raspy voice as often, or hear her cackle at something she had said, Hester didn't miss Anadil.

Slowly she walked back to the farmhouse. There was probably only an hour left before they had to begin their journey. She knew that she better rest up now and go over the plan with her mentors one more time, but once she did that, she knew it would finally set in, what was about to happen. She wanted to prolong feeling like that for as much time possible, but she knew it was time.

Hester took a deep breath and entered the house, it was time to go to war.

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