Chapter 1 | A Trial by Tale

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"No! I can't leave you to die!" Agatha cried—  

"Don't you get it!" Hester spun to her eyes aflame. "A coven isn't a four. We don't want you!"

Tears stinging, Agatha sprinted away into blue trees, glancing back to see Hester watching her, white-faced with fear. Then Hester turned, finger glowing red, as the boys converged and Agatha lost the view.   - Page 398, Chapter 23, Death in the Forest, A World Without Princes


Hester charged at Aric with the intent to kill. She refused to let these barbaric boys hurt her friends, and she had to give Agatha the time she needed to find Sophie, who had spent the last three days infiltrating the School for Boys. The red demon, that usually sat idly on Hester's neck, shot balls of fire at Aric, leaving scorch marks across his uniform.The fight moved to the shallow part of the stream and cool water filling their boots. The two moved in unison, as they as charged at each other. Hester would strike him down with hexes and curses, while he simultaneously lunged at her with his blade. She knew she was getting close to defeating him though, as his attacks became sloppier and more impulsive. Further down the stream, Anadil used a tornado spell to shove the burly prince down, causing him to collide with the rocks at the edge of the water and leaving him unconscious. Her rats hastily searched for his red flag, desperate to get the prince out of the Trial before he wakes. A few meters away Dot attempted to turn the thin prince's sword into chocolate. After several tries, she knew she was failing, as a last attempt to protect herself, the larger witch started hurling stones from the shallows of the icy stream at him instead.

Aric threw his knife at Hester, but she moved her head swiftly, only just narrowly avoiding being impaled. Hester smirked, aware that the violet-eyed villain had lost his only weapon, she started to advance on him with as many curses and incantations as possible, when out of the corner of her eye she saw a glimpse of small, silver blade being pulled out of his boot. Her attack on Aric intensified, but he dodged and weaved through the blazing balls of fire. He reached forward and thrust the jagged weapon into her stomach, causing the witch to let out a short, painful scream. Anadil and Dot turned to face the direction the sound came from, only to see Aric gliding the knife horizontally across her body. Hester pushed him away and pulled out the knife, she tried to fight back, but she was too weak. Aric grabbed Hester's face and throat, her blood on his hands.
"Hester!" Anadil yelled, but she didn't hear her. All sounds were drowned out by her pounding heartbeat.
Aric tightened his grip on her neck, as Hester tried to pry his hands off her throat. Her face was turning blue and she was running out of air. Just as she took her last breathe, something was pulled from her boot. A white flag, with a butterfly crest in the corner. The black rat let the flag drop onto the ground, making Hester disappear in a burst of white fireworks.

She hit the grass of the clearing clutching her stomach. The grass felt so cold against her burning body. The witch tried to stand, but her legs buckled beneath her. She felt herself drifting in and out of consciousness until four hands lifted her up. The two nymphs carried her dying body to the castle, blood trailing behind her. With much force and much pain Hester looked back one final time to see her two friend's name still there. They're not dead yet, she thought to herself. It was with that final thought that Hester fell limp, her body finally giving in to the pain as she let herself drift away.

Meanwhile, Dot and Anadil continued battling the princes and Aric. Their fingers glowed bright shades of blue and green, as they cast spells and curses. Dot was able to knock a sword out of one of the prince's hand, she turned to see Anadil with tears streaming down her cheeks, struggling to fight back against the much bigger prince. The two witches became surrounded and sharp blades were held against their neck, they knew that there was no use fighting back, that their battle was over. With a swift action they both dropped their flags and found themselves in the clearing. There was trails of blood leading to the castle but neither of them acknowledge it. They were safe now. Safe from the dangers of the forest, but that safety was only short-lived, as the real threat was just about to begin.

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