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Due to traffic and countless bathroom breaks, our nearly two day task became almost three. I didn't like the idea of part of my family still being in the hands of these unknown men, but we had to make another stop.

"Battery is low," B.R.I.A.N. stated out of nowhere in a very robotic voice.

"Can we plug you in when we got to New York?" Marcel whined, "We're so close."

"Battery is low," he repeated.

"Pull over to the nearest hotel, B.R.I.A.N.," I said.

"Changing corse to Chicago, Illinois," He said.

"Chicago?" Everyone repeated.

I shot straight up and said, "B.R.I.A.N.." no response. "B.R.I.A.N.!"

"Is he usually like this when he is battery is low?" Ryan asked.

"Never," I said and got out of my seat, walking to him. We were on a highway, we did not need him malfunctioning right now. "B.R.I.A.N.," I said one last time before waved my hand in front of his face. I looked at his eyes as they fixated on the road. B.R.I.A.N.'s eyes are a very vibrate blue because the blue light helps him pull up results and read them. However, there was zero blue in his eyes; they were a emerald green. I gasped and said, "Someone take the wheel! Now!"

Brock got up and hurried to the wheel and I pulled B.R.I.A.N. off and Brock quickly took his place. I laid him on the ground and he started fighting.

"Fu-F-F-F-Fu-Fu-Fuck youuuuu," his voice came in and out, glitching and sounding running on and on. Static was behind it. He was being hacked. Oh god. I had to turn him off. I put my hand to one of his shoulder's and another at his hip and pushed as hard as I could. I had to hold it for eight seconds, but he wasn't moving. They didn't know I was shutting him off.

He lifted his arm up and it started switching. I widened my eyes as it went from a knife to a gun to a mace but then his robotic voice came back and he said, "Shutting off." He then when limp and his hand went back to normal.

He laid there, lifeless and I sighed and hugged him. I toned out the rest of the bus until now and they were freaking the fuck out. They were worried I just killed B.R.I.A.N. or ruined him and I sat up.

"He's fine. He's in a state where he's pretty much knocked out," I said. I then looked down as him again, "He's refreshing his systems right now."

"What happened?" Craig asked.

I hesitated for a moment, but looked up at everyone, "He was being hacked." I looked back at B.R.I.A.N. and sighed, "That's what I get for using something with google instead of making my own."

"Why didn't you make your own?" Craig asked.

"I didn't have time," I explained. I started tearing up while looking at him. It was like I knocked out my son. I guess technically he is my first child. After a few silent moments, I looked at Brock, "Um, find the closest exit and see if you can find a hotel."

He hummed in uncertainty and I looked back at the others. "Why Chicago?" Evan asked.

I shrugged, "I don't kno-"

"Wait," Ryan said, "Chicago?" He looked around and laughed nervously, "We cannot go to Chicago."

"We're not going to," David said.

"What's in Chicago?" Tyler asked, suspiciously.

"People you don't want to meet," He said vaguely.

"The fuck you talkin' about, Ryan?" Luke asked, "I thought you had friends there."

"Yeah," He looked at him, "had."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2019 ⏰

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