41 Hours and 2,789 Miles?

841 57 56

We ran and it felt like old times when I would run out of a bank and make a get away. I forgot how exhilarating it was to have bullets fly pass my face. There weren't too many cops and none of them were prepared for us.

I shot three men in total. I shot two in the arms and one in the leg. There were only four police cars and two cops in each car.

Tyler and B.R.I.A.N. got the rest. I got to the bus first and pried open the door. I pointed my gun at the driver.

"Get out." I ordered.

He did so and once he was completely out, Tyler grabbed him. I walked onto the bus and saw around ten men look at me. The stench of sweat soon flooded over me like a wave. Most started to laugh, but Tyler hurried onto the bus and they shut up.

"Everyone but Ryan," Tyler said, "get the fuck off and never speak of this."

We got out of the way as the men ran off and onto the highway. I looked back and Ryan sat in the eleventh row, petrified. I looked back at the door to see Marcel, B.R.I.A.N., and Craig walk on.

The plan was to have the former villains create a distraction and shoot the cops that were around the bus. Tyler, B.R.I.A.N., and I were supposed to be the fist ones on the bus and get everyone but Ryan off. Marcel and Craig got to the fallen cops and took their weapons and body cameras. The rest were blocking traffic so no one would see and call other police cars.

B.R.I.A.N. got into the drivers seat while the rest of us walked to Ryan.

"Alright." Marcel said into the walkie-talkie, "Let them go. We're going to pull over to the abandon barn yard soon."

"Copy that." Anthony's voice glitched through the talkie, "We'll see you in a little."

The bus started moving and Ryan said, "P-Please don't hurt me."

"You're lucky I can't." Tyler muttered.

I glared at him as he walked away and sat in two seats away from Ryan. I looked back at Ryan and said, "We're not going to hurt you, but we need your help."

He nodded, "O-Okay, but with what?"

"We're going to pick up the others and that's when we'll explain everything to you." I said.

We soon turned into an abandon barn yard off the side of the highway and hid behind the barn. When we got there, the heroes were already waiting for us.

B.R.I.A.N. parked, they got on and Evan said, "Sorry to disobey orders, but we came here early because no one was heading from our direction."

"That's fine." Tyler said, "Did you get the paint and air brush?"

"There was no air brushes so we got this rollie thing." Brock said, holding it up along with the white paint.

"That'll work." He said and Evan and Brock got off the bus again.

They have to paint over the labels and anything that'll show that this is a prison bus. We even stole license plates to make sure no one looks for the ones already on it.

I looked at Ryan and sat in the seat in front of him, "Long time, no see. How are ya?"

He sighed, "Not the best. Someone kicked me in the gut last week, so I punched the guy back and I got in trouble."

"That's why you had to switch prisons." I nodded in realization.

"How'd you know?" He asked.

"A little birdie told me." I said, "Well, more like a Bryce told me."

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