Chapter 7

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Next day...

Indra walked towards where the commotion was and found his teammates and three kids along with a foreign team.

"Hn, let him go or else." said Indra behind Kankuro.

A shiver went down the Suna Genins' team, Including Gaara.

"H-Hai!" said Kankuro as he sweated bullets.

"Hn." said Indra as he looked where a certain redhead was hiding. "Come down Shukaku, or I'll make you come down."

A red-haired boy appeared next to the other two sand genins in a sand shunshin. The redhead looked at the ravenette while trembling.

"W-Why is mother scared of you." said Gaara.

Kankuro and Temari's eyes widened at the new information.

Indra's lips twitched upwards. "Mother is it?"

Indra's eyes transformed into his mangekyo sharingan and entered the redhead's Mindscape.


Gaara's Mindscape

"Ōtsutsuki! H-How are y-you alive?! Y-You're supposed to be dead!" said Shukaku as he trembled.

"Hn." said Indra as he kept getting closer to the tanuki.

Shukaku trembled under Indra's gaze and backed further away in his cage. "D-Don't come any closer!"

"Hn." Indra narrowed his eyes at Shukaku. "It seems to me that you are not taking good care of your Jinchūriki raccoon trash!"

Shukaku flinched.

Indra's mangekyo glared ominously. "I suggest you change that or I'd be forced to take action." He smiled sadistically. "And trust me you won't like how."

Shukaku flinched. "H-Hai!"

"Hn." said Indra before disappearing from Gaara's mindscape.


Outside Gaara's Mindscape

Indra blinked and then started walking away. "Let's go Sasuke...Naruto."




An amused former Ōtsutsuki looked at the ex-Anbu Captain. "Hn, so you remembered."

Kakashi raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Indra crossed his arms on his chest and smirked."Well, judging by your lazy actions I assumed that would slip your mind." Indra looked at him with a sadistic smile. "And I would enjoy beating you to a pulp for forgetting such an important thing."

Good thing I remembered then!  thought Kakashi as he sweated bullets at the ravenette's expression.

"Hn." said Indra.

"A-Anyway, the exam is tomorrow. Ja ne!" said Kakashi quickly leaving.

Indra looked at the two figures who were quietly tiptoeing out of there and smirked. "And where do you think you two are going?"

Sasuke and Naruto flinched. They hesitantly turned their head and looked at Indra's face and shivered.

"After all, we haven't started today's tor-training yet."

They shivered.

Indra looked at Sakura and narrowed his eyes. "And you useless."

Sakura flinched. "H-Hai?"

"If you don't catch up with us, I'll dispose of you!" said Indra while glaring down at the trembling figure of the pinkette.

Sakura trembled at his gaze. "H-Hai."

"Hn." said Indra before dragging Sasuke and Naruto by their collars.



Next Day...

Kakashi looked at his team and smiled. "Good, you all came. Because if one of you didn't come, you wouldn't be allowed to enter the exams."

"WHAT?!" Naruto and Sakura shouted while Sasuke and Indra only raised an eyebrow.

"Hn, let's go." said Indra.

"Hai/Hn." said Team seven.

"Where are you going this is the-" before Sakura could finish she was interrupted.

"Be quiet and follow useless fangirl." said Indra.

Sakura flinched and followed her teammates without question. On their way to the exams, they met a very unique individual. 

"Fight me!" Lee shouted.

"I refuse." said Sasuke bluntly.

"I insist." Lee glared at the 'only' Uchiha.

Indra glared at Lee with cold onyx eyes. "Move."

Lee flinched and quickly moved away. 

"Hn." said Indra before heading towards the exams.

While Indra was looking for potential 'dance' victims, the other teams were looking for information about the other teams from Kabuto.

"What about Indra Uzumaki?" said Kiba.

Indra quickly turned his attention to Kabuto.

"Let's see Indra -" Before Kabuto could finish all of his cards were set aflame courtesy of Indra. "Why did you do that?!"

Indra walked towards Kabuto and leaned in and whispered. "If you and your so-called master attack anyone in this village, I will kill you!" A shiver went down Kabuto's spine.

"Alright, brats! I'm Ibiki Morino I'm this parts examiner! Take a number and set down!" Ibiki shouted.

Indra Otsutsuki RebornWhere stories live. Discover now