Chapter 8

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Konoha - Exam room

Indra sat down on the seat next to a nervous brunette boy. He narrowed his eyes. "Hn you're familiar." The brunette flinched and hesitantly looked at the former Otsutsuki. "Have we met before?"

The brunette shook his head furiously and sweated bullets.

Indra's eyes further narrowed at the action. "Hn. (I will find out who you are by any means necessary)."

As if the brunette could understand what he said, he shivered and quickly looked away.

The ravenette looked around the room, his eyes stopped on a certain grass-nin and smirked slightly. Hn interesting.

"Start!" Ibiki shouted.

Indra looked down at the answers and raised an eyebrow. Hn these questions are not at the level of these idiots. Must be a trap. Hn I'll just sleep through the exam. He thought and then placed his head on the desk and closed his eyes. Naruto and Sasuke looked at Indra's sleeping figure and then looked at each other and nodded before placing their heads on their desk.

Ibiki's eyes twitched at the action of the two ravenettes and a certain blonde. So they must've figured it out.

A few hours later...

"Oi brats! The exam is already finished!" Ibiki shouted waking up the trio.

"Hn/Hai." The trio said lazily.

"Aniki do you know where we going?" Naruto said.

"Dobe!" Sasuke growled at his idiocy.

"Hn. It's the place where I usually tor-trained you." Indra said sweetly.

Sasuke and Naruto shivered at the mention of the place.

Ibiki's eyebrows twitched at the lazy actions and then walked towards Indra's exam paper. He looked at the note written in the paper.


The traitorous snake has come out of his hiding to hunt. It believes in killing the shadow monkey. The Ravens will be on the lookout from the sky as will the fox from the ground.

- Indra U.

Ibiki's eyes widened and quickly ran out of the room towards the Hokage's office.

Hokage's Office

The Hokage looked at the mountain of paper and then sighed. "Damn you Minato! Why did you have to die young and leave me with them!" He glared furiously at the paperwork in front of him. Suddenly the door banged open, making him look up. "Ibiki? What happened?" The Hokage said worriedly as he looked at the panting Ibiki.

"Lord Hokage! There's an emergency!" Ibiki exclaimed and then showed him Indra's paper.

Hiruzen took the exam paper from Ibiki and then started reading. "I see." Hiruzen said grimly and then looked at Ibiki. "Inform Anko and gather a small grou-"

"I wouldn't do that if I were you geezer." A voice interrupted.

The two looked towards the voice, and their eyes widened when they saw a familiar ravenette smirking at them while leaning on the wall.

I didn't even sense him! Ibiki and Hiruzen thought.

"Why are you here, Indra? Shouldn't you be heading out to the exam grounds?" Hiruzen said.

"Hn, the original me, is there already with the others. I am just a clone." The clone said.

Hiruzen nodded. "Are you sure that the snake is after the shadow monkey?"

"Of course." Indra smiled mysteriously making the two shiver. "Regarding what I said a few minutes ago, I suggest you send two elite Anbu only."

"May I ask why?"

"Hn because the snake-lady will do rash actions when she meets the snake. As for why I suggest two well that is because it would alert not only him but his allies as well. And we don't want that, so I suggest two."

Hiruzen nodded. "Very well."

The clone nodded before dispelling.



Uchiha Compounds

Indra leaned by a tree near the Uchiha Compound and closed his eyes and smirked. "I know you're there." He said as he slowly opened his Sharingan eyes glaring at the shadowed corner.

"Is what you said true? Can you bring him back if I join you?" The figure hiding in the shadows said.

Indra's smirk turned to something much darker. "Of course." He purred. "I can bring him back only if you join hands with me."

"Very well."

"Glad we reached an understanding. Now this will make sure that you don't betray us." Indra said as he faced his palm towards the figure and shot a black fire akin to Amaterasu towards them.

The figure shouted as the fire hit towards where the heart was and saw a sharingan symbol engraved in black. "What did you do?" The figure growled.

"Hn. It's insurance." Indra said before leaving.

The figure looked at where the ravenette was and chuckled. "He's one dangerous Uchiha. How interesting." The figure smirked before leaving.

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