Chapter 12

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I left the bathroom after doing my business, awkwardly smiling at the girls there. I really wished I had more female friends but my Uncles past made it impossible. Girls shrieked when I got near them as if I was the plague itself.

But maybe if I could show how different we were I wouldn't have to worry about that stuff. My mind was a bit preoccupied, so I didn't see Todoroki until I rammed right into him.

"Ella", he said weirdly breathless. I guess he hadn't seen me.

"Sorry I didn't see you there", I hastily said hoping to get away from him. However, my attempt was a fail as my arm was grabbed by him. A bit desperately. I couldn't help but feel he was a bit out of character.

"I need to speak to you", he glanced around, "somewhere with less ears listening". My blood run cold at that and I visibly gulped. Was he planning on murdering me?

Although he noticed my nervousness he didn't caring react and just dragged me in to an empty classroom.

He closed the door.

"Todoroki you do know we're in the middle of a class right now so please just keep it short", I tugged at my sleeves hoping for any type of comfort as I leaned against the teachers desk.

He turned to me closing in until we were a foot a apart.

"I have a deal", he stated eyes narrowed. I stared at him unable to catch what it might be about so I gestured at him to continue.

"Let's be friends". The words left his mouth without a trace of deceit, however my face said otherwise.

I laughed.

"Why are you laughing?", his voice not at all affected just inquiring between my hysterical laughter. His question only making me laugh harder until I was leaning and half panting on my knees through barks of laughter.

"Wait..", I started when the laughter slowly died down, " you want us to be friends?", i lightly chuckled ending the hard period of laughing.

"I was rather rude to you in class. Unfairly, I will admit and in turn the whole class seemed a bit dubious of your intentions for enrolling here", he stated and I had a blank look on my face which probably said, ' really bitch'.

"So what's being friends with you going to change anything", I didn't say it spitefully but rather with a glint of curiosity and a smirk on my face. The whole situation seemed remarkably funny and so I played on it to calm my nerves.

"I won't put in a negative spot light anymore and in exchange I can keep a close eye on you like how my father instructed", he calmly said.

His father! My eyes widened. That's means Endeavor is wary of me being here!

"So that's why you were so...", I whispered out and he nodded not wasting time he added.

"I don't enjoy following his orders, in fact I despise it", his face was filled with remorse and anger, enough to truly convey the hate.

"Alright", I sighed out. I figured as much but, I still felt my legs go slightly wobbly and I lowered myself to the floor feeling as if I was about to fall.

I knew it would happen but feeling it was horrible, as if the world kept all eyes on you making note of your every move. Why couldn't they leave me alone...

I suddenly felt a sense of nostalgia. I felt tears build remembering how I once felt it constantly . The rocks that hit me with enough force to pierce the skin on my forehead, knees and all over my arms. The throbbing on my head was the way I could indicate it was hurt and my wobbly knees that rushed home crying and not understanding everybody's anger and disgust.

I sucked in a breath when Todoroki grabbed my shoulders breaking me out of my daze. His eyes were piercing, worried and confused. I stared at them.

They were so exotic and the word beautiful so sneakily left my mouth before I had noticed and the lightest blush skittered the boys face.

I jumped up pushing Todoroki back and my mind really hit reality. My face burned and I turned away from Todorokis gaze.

"Sorry", the bell rang suddenly, surprising me.

This was my chance to escape. I ran to the door opening it and then proceeding to rush back to class.


Todoroki stood back for a second staring Ella's back in confusion. What was beautiful? At first he thought she was referring to himself but maybe she just remembered something?

He shook his head and walked to class.



Alright my readers I finally updated sorry about the delay but I was really missing some Todoroki action which I'm hoping I served a bit this chapter. That and I really need to rewatch the anime.

Let me know what you think and leave me a vote if you please☺️

The Childhood Friend (Bakugo x oc x todoroki x Midoriya )Where stories live. Discover now