Chapter 27

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I found myself sitting on a rattan chair in a lantern lit back garden. Dim light brightened the rattan table in front me making it easier to see the multi-coloured hair of the boy besides me.

"I know you have something to say to me, but can I start?" I glanced at mesmerising multi-coloured eyes, which always caught my breath.

"Sure" he shrugged, nonchalant as always.

"I thought we were friends, but you kept a lot of things from me" I wasn't strong enough to stare him in the eyes so I took to eyeing the cup of green tea in front of me. An assortment of Japanese sweets was next to it in a plate.

"I didn't mean to keep anything from you, in fact I planned on telling you however,..." he paused slightly as if hesitant to confess, "Bakugo demanded otherwise."

My heads swivelled at that. Bakugo? I remembered the kiss and frowned. I couldn't understand his thoughts at all.

"Fair enough. Do you know why Kachan was so reluctant to tell me?" I finally managed to glimpse up at him. He looked conflicted, as if answering that was a question of morals.

"Have you not realised yourself?" He glanced downwards avoiding eye contact. The dim light made him look slightly glum but I couldn't tell if it was really him or the light.

"I-I have an idea but I'm just confused" i could feel a turmoil of words ready to burst however, I held back.

"I can't speak much for Bakugo however he seems to care about you a lot but is unsure on how to convey that" I smiled at Todoroki's words because they seemed closely enough to a realistic explanation.

It felt like a riddle. I couldn't understand the answer but it seemed clear. In this case though, I can't understand the hints.

How could Bakugo care about me? Why would he? At what point did he?

"El." Todoroki cut off my string of thoughts.

"Go ahead" I noticed how he seemed to want to speak.

"Do you hold any special feeling for anyone right now?" I looked at him surprised. My eyes slightly wider than before.

"I-I'm not sure" suddenly I couldn't look him in eyes at all. Embarrassment flooded in me. "But I'm currently..." I paused, I wasn't sure why it was so hard to tell him but, I had to. "I'm currently dating Izuku..." I said more confidently.

"You're dating Midoriya?!" He shouted loudly causing my face to flush.

"Don't say it out loud!" I yelled and covered his mouth. I hadn't realised that jumping out of my seat so suddenly would cause me to tumble over him.

My foot hit the leg of my chair and fell face forward into Todoroki. Instinctively, I quickly grabbed onto him and found myself awkward sprawled all over him while he sat dumb founded on his chair.

"Ah!" I jumped back but before I could leave the awkwardly intimate position I was held back by Todoroki.

"I don't approve." I had to double take Todoroki's serious gaze.

"Yeah I'm sorry I fell on accident" now fully ready to go kill my self, I moved off of him again only to be firmly grabbed by my waist again.

"I don't approve of you relationship with Midoriya."

"Sorry let me just- Eh?" I turned to Todoroki surprised. He doesn't approve of my?-

His eyes suddenly seemed so intense and my thoughts diminished. The dim light above us reflected of his eyes in a captivating way. The atmosphere between us seemed to heat up and suddenly I found myself moving closer towards the boy as if possessed.

It was only until I came close enough to feel his breath fan my face that I woke up.

What was I doing? Izuku!

I pulled my face back and quickly moved away Todoroki. He didn't hold me back this time.

"I think I like you El..." he said softly with a dejected smile.

"I-I- you can't do this to me!" I felt a strange anger bubble in me. "You can't just tell me that when- when I- when I finally got over that" the words 'dream' died in my throat as I caught sight of his resigned face. "Why do you look so tired?"

"Because I knew the outcome of this." He smiled and stood up. He elegantly dusted his hands as if he did some hard labour whilst I stared at him bewildered. He strode towards me in short steps. "I'll just have to show you what a big mistake you've just made."


"Well Ella? Are you ready for the game?" At that moment the cool multi-coloured haired boy didn't exist and in his place was a mischievous and calculating boy.

He smiled and grasped my cheek. Rubbing his thumb on it in circular motions. I was stunned, unable to react.

He grabbed my chin and lifted it upwards, towards his face.  Leaning in, he planted a chaste kiss on my cheek and smiled as he pulled away.

"Let the games begin."



Okay fine let the "let the games begin" was kinda cliche but this was totally unpredicted on my part. I swear 😉

Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed!

The Childhood Friend (Bakugo x oc x todoroki x Midoriya )Where stories live. Discover now