Chapter 2

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6 months later

Iris's Point Of View

It has been 6 months since Barry woke up. He had been really busy lately and hasn't really been home a lot. He claims he's at work all day but I don't believe that. Why would a forensic scientist need to be at CCPN all day. He's just and assistant. My dad goes along with it saying he's at his lab all day. They are hiding something from me.

Central city has gotten crazy. We have a superhero, he goes by the name of 'Flash'. He has stopped people with powers around our city that was caused by the explosion of the star labs particle accelerator. We have all moved on from that.

Barry has a girlfriend. Her name is Linda Park. She works at CCPN with me. She's the sports editor. Nora is nearly a year old. In 2 months she'll be 1 year. We are gonna celebrate it at the central city fair where they are giving the flash the key to the city. Barry came home with a frown on his face.

"What's that for?" I asked wanting to know what happened to him. "Linda and I broke up." "Oh I'm sorry."

An hour later

"I've actually been meaning to ask you something." I said wondering if this is the right time. "Shoot." "Considering Eddie left and Nora no longer has a father... I was wonder if you could be her fake father? I just don't want her to grow up thinking she was abandoned, thinking she wasn't enough." "Iris this is big." "Please bar... just think about it." His phone rang. "I actually have to go meet up with Cisco." "But will you think about it?" "Yes I promise."

3 hours later

Barry had just got home. "I'll do it. I'll be her father." "You will! Thank you Bar!" "Iris just promise me you will tell her." "I will eventually." "Oh hey look the flash saved a burning building!" "Umm why are you so obsessed with m- him?" "I'm not obsessed, he just, I don't know, saves so many people."

I ran upstairs to get Nora and went back down. "Look Nora it's daddy!" "Daddy" Barry said. "be appropriate" "daddy?" Nora said. "Yes. Daddy!" She went into his arms. "Hey baby girl. I love you." She smiled at him. "Mommy can I sleep with you and daddy tonight?" Nora asked me. "Actually baby. Daddy and I aren't sleeping to-" Barry started to cut me off. "Of course you can!"

We all went to my bed and fell asleep together.

In the morning

5:38 am

I woke up early. I don't know why. I turned over and seen my daughter snuggled up to Barry. I stared at barry making sure I could remember every little detail about his face. He opened his eyes. "Morning." "Hey. How'd you sleep?" I said. "It's actually really comfy in here." "I'm glad you like it." "I actually should be getting to...CCPD now" "you can't just leave Nora without saying goodbye." "Right. I forgot I'm her father." "Fake father." "That's what I meant."

We sat down talking while we waited for Nora to wake up. He kissed her bye. "Mommy wants a kiss too!" Nora said. "No I don't need one. Just go to work." Barry walked over to me and kissed me on the lips. Holy- he walked away and winked at me. I'm actually dead.

I walked down stairs carrying Nora. I sat her down at the table and made us both a bowl of cereal. Joe walked downstairs "what's up with your smile?" I got up to get more milk and whispered "Bar kissed me!" "Wait really?" "Yes!" "And you liked it?" "I think so." "Good goin baby!" "Hi grandpa joe!" Nora said "good morning Nora." Joe walked over and kissed Nora on the head.

"I have today off!" I said. "That's nice. You should take Nora out today." "Yeah I'll text barry and see if he's free anytime today." "What that?" I walked joe upstairs. "I asked him to be Nora's fake father." "Iris! That's bad. You have to tell her the truth." "I will when she's old enough." "Baby. I kept Francine from you. You can't do this to her." "Dad I know what I'm doing." " no you don't." He walked downstairs and left to CCPD. I sat next to Nora. "Mommy has today off. We can go to the park!" "Really!" "Yes." "Can daddy come?" "I'll ask him."


Me:hey bar. Are you free anytime today
Bar😂❤️:yeah at 12. Why
Me:I have today off and I was wondering if you wanted to take Nora to the park with me
Bar😂❤️:yeah sounds like fun! I'll meet you there at 13:30?
Me:yeah see you!

"Daddy's gonna go!" "Yay!" "Let's go get you changed now. We can stop for ice cream on the way!" "Thank you mommy!" I took her upstairs and put a mustard yellow shirt on her with some overalls and white sneakers. "You look adorable!" "Let me see!" She walked up to the mirror and I picked her up so she could see her full outfit. "Wait." I sat her down and put her hair into two French braids. "I love you baby." "I love you too mommy! And I love daddy." "Lets go." I put her in her car seat in the back and buckled her up. We stopped and got two vanilla ice cream cones and went to the park to wait for Barry.

"Daddy!" Nora ran up to Barry and hugged him. He picked her out and spun her around. "Airplane!" He said. He put her down and she went on the slides with the other kids.

Barry and I sat on the table. "Bar she really does love you. Almost as if you were her real father." "I know and maybe one day I- never mind." "And she looks up to you." "Yeah. How is she gonna take it when she finds out?" "Yeah I don't know."

Nora ran up and hugged us both. "I love you guys!" Nora said. "Baby go play!" "Mommy come with me?" I hopped off the table and ran around chasing her. She fell a few times but I helped her up and she just kept laughing. "I'm gonna get you!" I said I looked over and saw Barry in the phone. I walked over to him. "Dude I can't. I'm with iris and Nora." He hung up the phone. "Cisco." "Oh. What'd he want?" "To hang out."

I walked over to pick up Nora. "You wanna go out to lunch?" "Yes I'm hungry." Barry added. "She was talking to me daddy." Nora said and giggled which made Barry smile and start tickling her. "Oh the the tickle monster!" Barry said as we walked to my car. I drove to a fast food place and we ordered inside. We sat down and ate. "Mommy you have cheese on your face." Nora looked at me and laughed. Barry grabbed a napkin and wiped it off. We looked into each other's eyes.

"Mommy I spilled my juice." "I'll go get you another one." Barry got up and went to the register. I got more napkins to clean up. "I'm sorry mommy." "No it's fine baby." Barry came back with another drink. "Thank you daddy!" "Your welcome baby!" She came over to the other side of the table and sat on his lap and layed her head on his chest. Barry looked over at me and smiled. She fell asleep. I threw away the trash and Barry put her in the car. I drove home. Barry our Nora in my bed and fell asleep next to her. I started making dinner because joe was gonna be home early. I put chicken in the oven and started some beans on the stove. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs then I felt as wrap around the back of me. "Barry make sure the door is unlocked for joe. I don't think he brought his key." "Can we just enjoy this." "Only if you go unlock the door." We walked over to the door and I moved over to the fridge to get out some water. "No Nora keeping us from each other." "Bar you aren't the real father. You don't have to act like it when she's not around." I drank my water and threw the bottle away. I stirred the beans. "Anything else you want for dinner?" "No this looks fine." Nora walked downstairs. "Mommy I'm hungry!" "You just ate." I got her a bag of chips and she sat down. "Mommy what are you making for dinner?" "Chicken and beans." "Ew beans." "Don't worry. I have corn for you!" Joe walked in. "Grandpa joe!" Nora got out of her seat to hug joe. She sat back down as joe took off his jacket and put it in the hook by the door. We all ate dinner and talked. "So how was today?" Joe asked. "Fun!" Nora replied. "Yeah Nora has a lot of fun." I added. "Bar. I heard about you and iris!" Joe said. "You guys kissed." Joe added. "No it was umm...nothing." "Yeah mommy, how come you and daddy have only kissed once?" Nora said. "I didn't know there was a law of how many times we had to kiss a day." Barry kissed my forehead. "On the lips." Barry kissed me. It felt like I was kissing mashed potatoes. Wait. That's it what I meant. I mean I love mashed potatoes a lot. I'm gonna go die in a hole now. Barry, Nora and I fell asleep in my bed again.

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