Chapter 7

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5 years later

I woke up with rose petals everywhere around the room. Barry was next Nora standing next to the bed with breakfast for me and a small black box. "Open the box first." Barry gave me the box and inside there was a ring with a lightning bolt on it. "Thank you guys." I kissed them both and they handed me food.

"We wanna take you somewhere to eat today for lunch." "Really? Where?" "It's a surprise." Barry and Nora took me to a really fancy restaurant and all I could do was stare at them both. "I love you guys." I held Barry's hand while Nora was flipping through the menu. Our food arrived and we ate. At the table next to us I seen kara with a girl. "Kara? Hey." "Oh iris. Hi." "Is that your um- girlfriend?" "No this is Len Luthor. My friend from catco." "Nice to meet you."

I whispered to Barry. "That's supergirl." "Oh Kara right? Remember me. I'm the fast one." Barry said. "It's okay. Lena knows." "Wait. Are you the flash." Barry sped around and Nora joined him. "Nora! Sit down." "Why can't you let me have fun." "You'll get hurt." "Mom I'll be fine." "Iris have I ever came home hurt?" "You remember that one time zoom almost paralyzed you. Or when you and the reverse flash had that big fight? Bar you were hurt then." "That's different." "No bar it's not."

After lunch we went back to star labs. "You're sure there isn't a cure for this." "There is nothing we can do." I sat down with my head in my hands. "I give up. What if she doesn't come home one day." "Iris we will make sure that won't happen. We promise." "What if there is someone out there we can't stop. Like zoom. He got away. He left this world and we didn't stop stop him. We just let him go but Oliver got hurt because of him. He would still be here if we stopped zoom."

I walked into Cisco's hideout room and he followed me. "Cisco I don't know what I'm gonna do." "Iris we will take care of her. You have to us." "Cisco we don't have a suit fit her." "She's not fast enough for one yet"

Barry took her out to a training field star labs owns while Cisco started making a suit for her. I watched Barry train Nora while he taught her the basics of being a speedster. I was proud. I was actually proud of what this broken up family is starting to become. It's all I'll ever need.

2 hours later Cisco breached to the field. He has powers. When Barry changes the timeline he could remember everything from that old timeline and he eventually learned about his powers and how to use them. "I made it! Here's the suit." "Wow it's amazing Cisco." "Thanks iris."

Nora walked over to us and she went to put her suit on. Cisco had to help her a little bit. She cane out in a black jacket and matching pants with a lighting bolt in the middle like Barry's. "Do you like it baby?" "I love it. Thank you uncle Cisco." She hugged him and sped over to Barry. We watched as he smiled at her and continued training.

Caitlin walked out of the building next to the field. This building was different than the original star labs building and it was much smaller. "Where were you cait?" "I had t go to the other building to get more supplies. Just Incase someone gets hurt."

Cisco's phone started going off. "There's a fire at Mercury labs. Barry and Nora sped over as they heard what was happening then sped away. "NORA!" We all ran into the building and I spoke into the microphone. "NORA WEST! Get back here now." "Mom I need to save them. Someone could get hurt." "Nora you could get hurt." "Mom I've had enough training. it's been more than 5 years. I can save these people but I can't if your gonna talk me out of doing this the whole time but I'm not coming back. Not until these people are safe." "Barry take her home." "Iris I can't get everyone out by myself. She has to help."

I walked out of the room waiting for Nora and Barry to get back. As soon as I seen lighting speed into the main room I went in. "What were you thinking Nora?" "Mom I want to do this. You can't stop me." "Lets get home. You have school tomorrow."

Barry held me and sped me home while Nora ran by herself. Barry put me down and we could see lightning going into Nora's room. "You know she's gonna be mad at you for a while now iris." "Baby it's gonna be fine." I kissed him and started making dinner.

There was a knock on the door. Barry answered it. "Hey joe." "Oh hey dad what's up." "I heard about the new speedster in the news. Baby are you really letting her do this." "Dad I don't want her to but it's what's he wants to do."

Joe stayed for dinner. Over the last 10 years Barry and I have finally gotten together. We have been dating for almost 5 years. We moved into this nice place. The move was really hard because of Nora. She had to make a big deal about it Of how she wouldn't see Grandpa very day and how different things would be.

After dinner Nora went upstairs. "I'm gonna go talk to her." I walked upstairs and knocked on her door. "Nora. It's me baby." "Mom go away." Barry came up and phased the door knob so it would unlock. I walked into her room as Barry went back downstairs. "Nora I'm sorry baby. And I know I'm being selfish but I just don't want you to get hurt." "Mom I will be fine. I'll have dad to protect me and if I do get hurt, Caitlin can help." "Yes I know. I just don't know what I would do if you are gone."

Nora hugged me and we went downstairs. Joe gave us all a hug and then left. "You guys okay now?" "Yeah."

I've been keeping this a secret for a while, only Barry knows. My dad doesn't, Cisco doesn't, Caitlin doesn't, and Nora doesn't either. I'm pregnant. I've been pregnant for almost 2 months now. Yes, Barry is the father. We haven't decided on what to name it yet and we are going to the doctors tomorrow. We aren't gonna know the gender until the last month of my pregnancy because Barry and I want a big gender reveal party. Barry and I decided that on the 3 month of my pregnancy we would tell everyone.

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