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A/N: Funny Chapter coming up hahaha. Hope you are having a nice day xx

I slowly opened my eyes as I stared at the ceiling above. What the hell of a nightmare did I have yesterday? I dreamed about some people trying to drink my blood and then Taehyung came in like some superhero - no wait, he was the devil or something? And he killed them.

I shook my head at this weird manifestation of my mind and removed my blanket until I saw something on my wrist which made me scream.

I had two identical teeth marks at the place where I had been bit in my dreams. A scream left my mouth as I looked at it closely.

That wasn't a dream. All the things did happen. I closed my eyes as I tried to recall the events from yesterday. Angry stomping out of the house - threw up at the burger shop - red light area - three men - supernatural creatures - Taehyung- devil.

Oh holy jesus.

Taehyung. I started sweating as I remembered his persona from yesterday. He really was the devil. He also had wings. It means all this time he was saying the truth about him being Lucifer and I mocked him - called him high and crazy and threatened to break his face.

I was almost on the verge of tears. I was going to go to hell. He was going to take me there and torture me. What the hell had I done? What was I thinking when I called him a rabid chicken?

I also had a class with him today. I couldn't bear to go. I would have to face him.

Maybe I could go prepared. I ran out of the room and straight into Grandpa's room. Scanning through the drawers, I removed a small bible, a rosary and a cross necklace.

I closed my eyes and I recalled all the prayers grandpa had forced me to learn. If Taehyung tried to do anything, I would just show him the cross and start shouting prayers. Maybe that would burn him like I had seen in the horror movies.

Once I had everything I needed I ran back up. Opening my laptop, I looked up how to ward of the devil and numerous results popped up.

Hang dried cat corpse in house - Eww, no I cannot do that. Where am I to get a cat corpse?

Keep Witch bottles filled with urine in your house - Double Ewwww. Next plan.

Amulets ; Religious ones - Well this could be done. I knew a shaman just down the road who would have those. I made a note of these in my diary.

Hang Lemons and Chilis on the door of your house - Okay, this is nice too. Note to self : Buy two dozen chilis and Lemons on my way home.

Making notes of everything I needed, I quickly got showered and ready for school. I reminded myself to buy extra ones of the amulets and charms for Grandpa, Jennie and Hoseok as they often interacted with Taehyung too. And I didn't want him doing anything to them.

Fastening the cross around my neck and tucking the rosary in my jeans pocket, I stepped out of the house.

Time to meet the devil now.


I waited for Jennie as I sat in my class. The moment I saw her, I sprang to my feet. "Jennie come here fast"

She rushed to where I was with a confused look. "What happened Nana?"

"Nothing, just wear this", I told her giving her the cross. Her eyes widened at the sight of the cross.

LUCIFER | Kim Taehyung (COMPLETED) Where stories live. Discover now