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A/N: My last update before I travel for the next 3 days. I will update shortly. Till then enjoy this 😄

"Nana", Taehyung's voice was serious as he looked at me.

I walked up to him as I saw him holding a picture. "Yes"

"Who is this", he says as he turned the picture towards me.

"Oh this", I said at the sight of the familiar picture. "Its James. He is a friend"

I swear I saw Taehyung's eyes gleam red as he looked at me with the coldest gaze ever before he looked down. He said something under his breath but I didn't catch it.

"Sit in the car"

"Taehyung what happened? Why are you suddenly so angry?"

"Nana sit in the car", he stuffed the picture back into the trunk and closed it with a thud making the entire car ramble due to the impact.

"Taehyung please talk to me. I don't know why you are angry. I swear he is just a friend and I asked to shoot him only because I needed a model..."

"NANA SIT IN THE FUCKING CAR", he yelled once again and his skin gleamed red along with his eyes. An old couple passing by in a distance stopped as they heard him and for a moment even they were startled by his anger. Not wanting to create a scene and also because I was scared, I opened the door and meekly got in.

The entire ride he said nothing. All he did was look in front at the road. His driving was rash. Even when I pleaded him, he didn't slow down. I couldn't understand what about James's picture had triggered him so much that he was behaving this way.

With a harsh turn we entered his building premise. He stopped the car and got out, with me following. Grabbing the pictures from the trunk, we headed to his apartment.

Just as we opened the apartment door, we were greeted by Jungkook eating while watching something. Seeing us he smiled and made way to us.

"Ah Hyung—"

"Leave Jungkook", the younger boy stopped as he was perplexed why he had been suddenly asked to leave. "What happened Hyung, is everything okay?"

"We will talk later. Leave us alone this instance. It is an order"

At the mention of those words, Jungkook immediately straightened himself and bowed slightly before gathering his belongings and leaving.

I looked at him with pleading eyes to stay because I was scared of Taehyung now and how unpredictable he could get. He had never shown anger to me, not once in our 3 months of dating. But he just gave me a sympathetic look before walking out of the door.

The door closed and my hands were trembling. Taehyung was still silent, the picture frame of James hanging loosely in his hand.

He raised it slightly as a dark chuckle escaped his mouth. "All this time and effort of keeping this fucker away and look at him, being best friends with you"

"What", his words were so confusing.

"Tell me Nana, how did you even meet him?"

"I..", my voice was shaky and my breath hitched. I couldn't believe how afraid I was feeling right now. "I met him in a supermarket before we started dating"

"Of course you did", he chuckled darkly. "What next?"

"He tried flirting with me and we exchanged numbers. Ever since then we kept in contact"

Taehyung's expression changed from an amused one to a sinister darkness. "You will no longer talk to him. Block his number and delete his contact from your phone. You aren't allowed to go anywhere without telling me or taking me with you"

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