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A/N: This is my last update before I disappear for a week due to exams. I will update regularly after that 💕

We drove through the thick fields of the country side as we made way to where my father or the angel named SeokJin lived. He resided a couple of hours away from Seoul and hence we had no choice but to ask Taehyung to take us.

I was still angry at him but the guilty look on his face was killing me - making me want to forgive him.

I sat in the front seat beside Taehyung while Hoseok slept in the rear of the expensive SUV. Taehyung had his eyes on the road while I looked at the fields outside.

I turned my head to take a glance at him and he met my eyes. We stared at each other for a moment before he looked away. I thought I had given him enough silent treatment so I took his spare hand and intertwined my fingers with his before resting it on my leg.

Taehyung was taken aback by this action but a small smile formed on his face as he tightened his fingers around hers.

"This doesn't mean I am talking to you. I just feel really anxious and nervous so I am doing this. I haven't forgiven you"

Taehyung's smile dropped as he loosened his hand on the steering wheel slightly. "I am sorry Nana. I am sorry I didn't mean to hurt Hoseok like this. I had absolutely no idea what I was doing. And I feel absolutely terrible for my actions. I cannot even muster the courage to say sorry to him. Please just.."

"Its okay", I cut him off, my face softening a little. "Just apologize to him when he wakes up"

Taehyung nodded as he tried to take his hand away. I glared at him and pulled it back and held his hand again. "What do you think you are doing?"

Taehyung smiled to himself before taking their hands and kissing the top of Nana's hand. I smiled as I felt his lips leave a moist imprint on the back of my hand. With that he went to looking ahead and I closed my eyes as I decided to sleep.

I had no idea how much time had passed until someone tapped on my shoulder. "Nana". I opened my eyes slowly to see Taehyung looking at me. "We are here"

I sat up straight, gulping as I saw the estate in front of me. "Let's go", Hoseok said from behind me and I nodded. I got out of the car as I looked around. We were in the middle of a huge nectarine field. Rows and rows of the fruit trees grew everywhere.

"It will be okay", Taehyung's deep voice said behind me. I looked at him and he understood I was feeling very nervous as I bit my lip. He extended his hand for me and I took it as we walked with Hoseok following closely behind.

Hoseok pushed the gates and we went in to be greeted by a huge Hanok - a Korean traditional house.

I was surprised to see the structure because just like Taehyung ,I imagined him to be staying in a luxurious modern mansion. But this Hanok was huge as well as it spanned the entire estate, the coffee colored buildings covering its breadth.

We made our way to the main door. I stood on the ground beside Taehyung, my heart beating rapidly against my chest as Hoseok pressed the door bell. My lips were dry so I ran my tongue over it. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead and I didn't even know why I was getting so nervous.

Taehyung noticed as he tightened his hand around mine before gently nudging my shoulder. "I don't like your father but I assure you that he is a good man"

I nodded as we heard the footsteps near. The door opened as slowly the body of a man came into view. My breath was stuck in my throat as I bent a little to get a view.

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