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A/N: Sorry dear readers I have been missing for some time now. I had my exams and I had to put off updating. Here's the next chapter — its more of a filler type. Wait for the next one because the real story will start then.

PS: Please pray for me. I need to pass 😭😭😭😭

I moved around in my sleep as I slowly opened my eyes. Wow, I had a good sleep but what was the soft and warm thing I was hugging right now?

I gasped at the sight in front of me. Taehyung was sleeping beside, his arm around me while I was hugging his chest with a leg on his legs. I froze in my movements feeling extremely embarrassed. How the fuck did we get into this arrangement in the first place?

I couldn't move because if I did, he would wake up and see us like this and it would make things even more embarrassing. So I just laid there hoping that he would take his hand off me.

But Nana, the question is - Do you really want him to take his hand off you? A voice within me spoke and I gulped.

This was nice, this felt nice. I probably did not have a good sleep in so long. But it was highly inappropriate - I mean he was my professor and not really human and I shouldn't feel things towards him.

But then I saw his face again, I felt butterflies in my stomach. He was the devil but he looked like a freaking angel. I mean technically he was an angel once. His skin was smooth and his features sharp. He also had a cute mole on the tip of his nose and one on his lips. Damn his lips, only if I could kiss...

I wanted to scream at myself. STOP THINKING ABOUT STUPID STUFF LIKE THAT. Nothing is going to happen between the two of you.

"I know I am beautiful but please stop staring like this because it is creepy"

I jerked myself back, startled as I heard his voice. I felt the soft mattress disappear from under me and I realized I was going to fall until I was grabbed and pulled back.

Taehyung opened his eyes as he looked at me. I swear the adrenaline inside me must have burst through the roof. This was worse than missing a step on the stairs.

Taehyung cleared his throat and I immediately separated myself from him. He felt a little disappointment as Nana moved away from him. He grunted as he sat up straight.

"I.. I am.. I mean you can use this bathroom, I will get ready in the other one...", with that she ran away from there while Taehyung kept watching, a smug smile on his face.


We said bye to Joonie as we left for Seoul. Apparently Hoseok had wiped so much of his memory that he didn't even remember about me running away from my home because I found out about my mother.

We ended up telling him that we were on our way to a trip and decided to meet him here. He seemed to believe that and I could only hope Grandpa and him never talked about it.

The tension between me and Taehyung was still too much. Well I wouldn't call it tension. It was just me ignoring him and him being chill about it.

Hoseok seemed to have noticed that something was off between the two. The silence was killing him and so he decided to make the first move.

"So Nana, your cousin Namjoon.. I was healing him and placed my hands on his chest and damn.. he got some good tits ! Them Namtities stay winning"

He was met with two pair of eyes glaring at him and he shrunk in his seat.

"Guess Namjoon's tities don't make a good conversation starter"


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