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A/N: Kids below 13, skip this. LOL, who we kidding. I know you brats ain't skipping this for shit 😂😂

He kissed me deeply, exploring my mouth as his hands held my body down. As he parted, he hovered above me. "You are so beautiful Nana, I love you so much", I melted under his words as a smile formed on my face.

I pulled his collars bringing his lips down to mine once again. My hands slowly worked on the buttons of his shirt as I began opening them. He tugged on my hands, holding them as he stared at me.

"Are you sure?", he asked with concern in his voice. "We can stop if you aren't ready. I know its your first time and I don't want to make you uncomfortable"

"Taehyung", I took a pause and spoke again "I want it and I want it to be with you"

"But if I lust, I will lose control and hurt you", he stole his glance away. Nana's fingers tucked under his chin as he made him look up, "I know you will never do anything to hurt me. I trust you"

Taehyung took a deep breath. "It will be difficult for me to stop once I start"

"I don't want you to", I replied calmly. Next second his lips were back on my neck, kissing me softly. My lips curved up in pain slightly as I felt him suck the skin on my neck. That must leave a bruise now. But the burning soon subsided as he ran his tongue over it.

His hands found the hem of my tshirt as he tugged on it. I raised my hand as he took it off, leaving me only in my bra. The cool air hit my body and I shivered slightly. Taehyung continued to kiss my neck as his hands roamed my body before resting on my hips.

He came up to kiss my lips once again and this time I continued what I left before as I began unbuttoning the rest of his shirt. The shirt slid of his sleek body as he tossed it somewhere in the room.

Taehyung let a small moan as Nana's lips found his neck and she kissed him softly through the entire length of his neck before resting on his collar bones.

His hands held her waist as he pushed her down. Eyes looking at mine for permission, he held the hook of my bra. I nod slightly and he let the last black fabric fall, leaving me completely naked on the top.

Taehyung's expression softened a bit as he saw Nana get so shy. Her eyes were everywhere but on him as she sheepishly tried to cover her chest slightly. He grabbed my hands and put them on the side. "You don't have to be shy about it, absolutely do not cover your beautiful body babe. Let me see all of it"

I was flushed pink as he began to kiss my chest before cupping my breast. His finger glid over them before he replaced it with his tongue. I closed my eyes as I felt his tongue roam my body. It was weird but it was pleasurable too. It felt good but it was a bit embarrassing as well. So is this how it was supposed to feel?

I was snapped out of my thoughts as he came back up to kiss my lips again, his body pressing mine. His fingers worked on the buttons of my jeans as I allowed him to pull that garment off my body. Was it because of him or was the room so cold that I had goosebumps all over my thighs.

"Taehyung", I spoke softly and he immediately parted from kissing my neck as he looked up.

"I love you", I said and his eyes gleamed. He kissed my lips softly. "A million years have passed since I was born, but I have never loved someone as much as you"

A smile formed on my face and he kissed me deeply again while continuing to push me back on the bed. Slowly all the pieces of clothes on our bodies were off our body. Our naked bodies lay touching one another as he kissed me sloppily. Within minutes, his body was moving rhythmically against me as I lay under, experiencing things I had never before. My chest rose and fell as I felt this new sensation of him inside me. Above me Taehyung looked ethereal as sweat covered his brow bones. He came down to kiss me and I wrapped my hands around his neck wanting to feel his touch.

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