A/N: I usually do bonus chapters when my books reach 1 million. We still haven't reached it but for the next few weeks, I am going to be off Wattpad. So I wanted to do an early chapter for you guys. I hope you like it ❤️ If we do reach 1 million, a sincere thank you for that as well. And also to everyone that nominated this book.
Cannot thank you guys enough for the love. Its a special chapter for Scarlet. I know y'all like Nana more but give Scarlet a chance 😋
Also a little surprise at the end of the chapter!
A sharp ring made me jolt awake in bed. I turned to the side to see my phone's alarm blasting. It was 5:30 am but I had a shoot day today. Being a model for most part sucked. You couldn't eat what you wanted, had to exercise way too much and always be conscious of the way you looked.
The first thing I did was check my Twitter and Instagram to read any news about me. Or more
like I was expecting one.Scarlet Choi spotted with Kpop Idol Aaron Kang in NYC. Is something brewing between the top model and the main singer of the world famous boy band?
A grunt left my mouth as I slammed the phone on the bed. Couldn't even go out with a guy friend without people misreading it.
A text from Aaron was already in my inbox and I quickly checked it.
"My company will take care of it sis, don't worry"
A little relieved, I put the phone back as I headed out of bed. After getting ready I went to the kitchen to get some breakfast before I went to work.
"Mason you motherfucking hideous chicken faced manager", I yelled as I realized the pizza I had secretly saved from yesterday was thrown out of the fridge and into the trash can. He must have come to drop of my dresses and in process did a random inspection of my refrigerator to make sure I wasn't breaking my diet.
Disheartened I sank into a chair nearby. I grabbed an apple to eat until something went off in my mind. I opened my freezer and removed a few things I kept there. A devilish smile formed on my face.
Resting behind the tons of pea packets I had was a frozen pizza.
"HA HA HA HA HA. The devil works hard but Scarlet Choi works harder", an evil laugh left my mouth as the glorious pepperoni pizza lay perfectly preserved.
"Are we ready to go?", Jason my photographer yelled. He came forward as he adjusted his camera and clicked a sample picture. "Yup the lighting is perfect. Lets do it. Scarlet I need you to pose in a way that the clothing gets maximum attention"
I nodded as he picked the camera again. I posed and he clicked. It went on for about 15 minutes as I changed poses and Jason kept clicking. We did about 50 pictures after which Jason decided to take a break as he sat with the editor and discussed the pictures.
"Here", my assistant Avril handed me my phone. "There were a couple important calls. From our CEO as well"
"I'll give him a call after the shoot. Also, Avril can I get something to eat? I haven't had anything since breakfast"
"We have ordered lunch. The kitchen is running late it seems. But it will be here in 15 minutes. Try and bear with the hunger for some time", she pat my back and I smiled.

Fanfiction'The devil has a name and it is Kim Taehyung' Every girl wants a bad boy who would be good just for her. But what happens when you get the ultimate bad boy, Satan himself?