
71.5K 4.6K 4K

A/N: Can we reach 100K before Lucifer ends? Man I would love it. Also after this chapter there will be a note and Epilogue which I will publish at the end. Please wait for that




Jin yelled as he ran towards them. Taehyung put the girl on the ground as Jin fell to his feet. She was indeed dead. Blood had dried on her clothing and the soul had left her body as soon as they returned to earth. He could feel it. The body was just an empty shell now.

"NANA NANA WAKE UP. DON'T PLAY TRICKS LIKE THIS ON YOUR FATHER PLEASE", he cried as he shook her body. He was delusional right now. He refused to believe she was dead. Jimin too was stunned to make a move. He looked at Yoongi who just nodded at him, tears rolling down his own eyes. He had to balance himself to stop falling to the ground.

His sister, who he had always wanted to be with was dead. Who he had planned to spend the remainder of his life with and to grow old with wasn't there anymore. His sister had left him.

"Appa", he said just one word as he hugged the man who was crying on the floor beside the dead body. Jin hugged Jimin tightly as he sobbed in his son's chest. Their family was broken.

Taehyung had become numb. He couldn't feel anything inside and around him. He felt dead even more than what he already was. No amount of wailing of the others reached his ears. He just wanted Nana. He refused to believe that she left him.

Yoongi bent down as he hugged the crying Jimin. "Its okay. She is in a better place now", he whispered in the younger's ears. But Jimin didn't want her to be in a better place. He wanted her right here beside him, annoying him and teasing him for his height.

The tears finally stopped rolling down Jin's face as he stood up. Harshly wiping his cheeks and taking a moment to calm himself, he scooted by her. He bent as he kissed her head and then her cheek.

"Find your way to heaven my daughter. May you have peace there. Be where your mother is. She will take care of you"

With that he broke down into a cry again. He felt a surge of emotions. Anger and bitterness at how unfair the world was. Disbelief that his child was taken away from him. Intense shock and confusion because all of this seemed way to bad to be real. And an unexplainable fear of what the future might hold. A future without his daughter.

Hoseok removed the dagger from her stomach and threw it away. He placed his hands on her stomach and the wound slowly began to seal. Even when she was dead, he could repair her body. That way her journey in the afterlife would be much easier. His palms grazed all her wounds and they healed right in front of them. Her pale and lifeless skin showed through and Hoseok ran a hand through her hair before kissing her head, leaving wet traces of tears on her forehead.

"Sleep well princess"


A black sky. Thunder. Heavy downpour.

And two caskets.

Nana and Grandfather. Both of them rested in oak coffins. The moment Jennie died, her body had turned to ash like it happened with every demon. On the side stood Jungkook, Hoseok, Yoongi, Jimin and Namjoon. Taehyung hadn't shown up. No one knew where he went. Jin was sitting right by the casket, refusing to leave his daughter's side.

Namjoon had been informed of the death of his cousin by Hoseok. The man had broken down into a messy sob when he came to know that. They couldn't tell him how she and Grandpa died so the only plausible explanation they all came up with to tell him and the other mortals was that both of them were killed in a road accident.

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