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Madison Stark was born on October, 31, 2001. She wasn't meant to be brought into this world; she was the product of her mother and Tony Stark having a one night stand. Her mother never wanted her. Madison's mother even tried to get an abortion, but it failed. So nine months later, she was born.

As soon as Madison was born her mother refused to hold her. The woman simply said to call Tony Stark. And the hospital did just that. When the billionaire arrived at the hospital, he couldn't believe that the child was actually his.

But when the doctor placed Madison in his arms he instantly knew that she was his daughter. She had light intelligent eyes; the opposite color but had the same spark that matched his own. Her hair was an exact copy of his, being dark and slightly curly. She was a mix of Italian and Ashkenazi Jewish. Madison was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen.

That night Tony's heart filled with love. He instantly wanted to do anything and everything in his power to keep Madison safe and happy. And on that Halloween night Tony Stark took Madison Stark home, her becoming his whole world.

In 2008 Madison was seven years old. That was one of the worst years of her life. Her father was kidnapped and tortured while on a weapons deal. Madison remembered the nights she went to bed crying in Pepper Potts' arms.

When they found her father; Madison didn't let go of him for weeks. She would wander in his bedroom at night and curl up in his bed, trying to get away from her nightmares that would haunt her. And every night he would hold her.

Tony returning home wasn't the only event in that year. It was the same year Tony became Iron Man. And it was the same year that Madison was given powers.

Madison had acquired these powers by force. She didn't ask to have them, but her so called uncle thought it would be a great experiment. The same night Madison was experimented on was the same night he died. And for the first time in her life she wasn't sad about someone leaving. Her father tried to reverse the effects, all of his attempts failing miserably. Then all of her powers came almost at once.

The first of her abilities was water. Tony had figured it out while trying to give her a bath. As soon as Madison was in the water it moved away from her. Madison sat in the tub, water all around her but never touching her.

Earth and Air was next. Madison was playing in the front yard of her California home. The ground started to shake slightly, bits of rock and land coming up and sinking into the Earth. Then the wind started to swirl around her, eventually lifting her up into the sky. Tony discovered her a few seconds later. He ran to his daughter, stunned at was happening.

Once Madison saw her father she lost focus of what she was doing, and she started to fall. Tony managed to catch her, but he was astonished by what he had witnessed. And that night he started to work day and night with Madison.

Learning everything he could about what she could do is what led Tony to the discovery that Madison could also manipulate fire. She had been using the air to move objects in his lab, but she had accidently knocked over a flammable object, causing it to burst into flames. Instantly the fire attached to Madison's hand, and then it disappeared into her skin.

Years had gone by and slowly Madison had gained control of her powers. In 2010, she turned nine years old, and that was when her father had another face off for his and her life. And that was the year Madison met Natalie Rushman, who's name was actually Natasha Romanoff, and Nick Fury for the first time.

Madison's powers had been hidden from the world, so when Nick Fury had asked for her to join the Avengers program along with her father, he refused. But when she was eleven years old an attack on New York happened.

Tony did everything in his power to keep his daughter out of the fight. He ended up risking his life for Madison and the rest of the world. Her father had almost died, and after that event everything changed.

From then on Madison was taught by Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanoff, and Clint Barton to fight. For months she trained until she could take all three of them on by herself. And during that same year Tony hadn't only developed more suits for himself, but he also made one for his child.

It came in use a year later when she was twelve. An attack on her home in California was destroyed. And once again her father had went missing and was presumed dead. Pepper Potts took care of Madison during that time. But just like the first time, Tony had found his way back to his family.

When Madison was fourteen years old, another attack on the world happened. And this time she came out to the world as an Avenger. With much convincing, Tony finally decided that it was time for his daughter to help the world. And no matter how much he hated it, he knew that they needed her help. Even if Madison was just a kid. The girl became the hero known as Venus. The world never knowing her true identity.

During the time of the battle, Madison grew close with the rest of the Avengers. Wanda Maximoff had joined the Avengers during the battle, turning sides and earning Madison's trust. She did have a twin brother, Pietro Maximoff, but he had died during the fight. He went out a hero, saving Clint and a little boy from death. Madison mourned along with Wanda; she wished she could have known him better.

Bruce Banner had vanished on a aircraft after the battle, no one knew where he had went, and Madison also mourned that loss. And the God of Thunder, Thor Odinson, had returned to his home, leaving the Avengers as well. The rest of the team became family. And without them Madison didn't think she could survive.

And now that Madison Stark was fifteen, her whole life was going to change even more.

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