𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞

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"Vision, are you not letting me leave?" Wanda asked.

Madison was watching on her laptop, listening in on the conversation that was happening between the two. She can see Vision standing in the doorway.

"It's a question of safety," Vision answers. Wanda then gave a huff, "I can protect myself."

At this point Madison decides to stop listening, she has heard enough. She knew Wanda wasn't aloud to leave for a reason. She was moved to another building farther away, Vision had gone with her.

Madison hated it. Wanda couldn't even go take a walk in the park if she wanted. But there was nothing Madison could do, it was out of her control. So she walked back to her room. And then the girl cued her computer friend.

"Heyo, Nick," Madison called, shutting her door. A second later a voice started to speak, "Hello, Ms. Stark. How was your day?"

Nick was a computer intelligence that Madison had designed with her father. After the events of Ultron, their former one was gone. And Jarvis now resigned in Vision. So Tony and Madison created their own. Her father had created on named Friday.

Madison flopped onto her bed, "Tiring. Being human is hard."

"May I suggest you do a relaxing activity?" Nick asked.

Madison propped herself up on her elbows, "Wanna play Chess and watch Star Wars?"

"Anything for you, Ms. Stark," the computer replied.

The girl loved the Star Wars movies; they were her favorite movie series. Madison could watch them over and over again, and she would never get tired of them. Tony had even gone as far as taking her to the premier of the latest one.

Soon a few hours had passed, and Madison had played many games of Chess and had gotten through two movies. Her phone started to buzz; her father was calling.

"Answering call," Nick spoke. Madison then rolled over and grabbed the TV remote and paused her movie. "Speak and be heard," Madison stated once the call went through.

"Hey, Princess," Tony spoke. Madison got up and walked over to her dresser, picking up a magazine that her and her father were on the cover of, "What do I owe the pleasure of this call?"

Tony gave a wavering laugh, "I just want to check in on my favorite girl in the world."

"You sound nervous. What's wrong?" Madison asked, worry filling her body and showing through in her voice.

"Long story," Tony admitted. "Give me the short version then," the girl demanded.

A few moments of silence went by. Then Tony gave a sigh, "Steve and Sam were arrested. They found Barnes. We had him in custody, but he escaped and broke out."

"Are you okay?" Madison asked, her heart began to pound. Tony then spoke, "Yeah I'm fine. Just a black eye. The thing that hurts the most is that my necklace is ruined."

The girl let out a shaky breath. She was happy that her father was okay, "Dad, I don't care about the necklace. We can always make a new one. I'm just glad you're safe."

"You're right. As always," Tony laughed, the tension leaving his voice.

"When are you coming home?" Madison questioned, wanting to see her father in person.

"I should be there with Natasha soon," Tony answered, "In the mean time I need you to do me a favor."

Madison flopped on her bed, all of her fear washing away as soon as Tony said he was on his way home. She was happy that he was alive and safe; she was happy that in a little while Tony would be in the same room as her.

"What is it?" Madison asked, eager to help her dad. Tony gave a small laugh, "I'm glad you're up for it."

Madison smiled to herself as she spoke, "I'm always up for helping you."

"That's my girl. Okay, I need you to get everything you can on a small hero called Spider-Man. He lives in Queens, New York," her father informed.

Immediately Madison gets up and walks out of her room. On her way out she picked up her phone and switches the call to it. The girl walked to the other side of the tower as she talked, "Got it. Is there anymore info you can give me?"

"As of right now I can't. That's why I need your help," Tony answered.

The girl then entered her father's lab. She walked over to the many computer screens and sat down in the chair. "Okay, I can work with that," Madison replied, "I'll see you when you get home."

"Okay, I love you, Princess," Tony stated. Madison smiled and gave her reply, "I love you too. Stay safe and come home in one piece."

Then the call ended. Madison sat her phone down on the glass desk. She then looked at Dum-E, "Wanna make me some hot chocolate?"

The small robot then rolled off to do it's task. The girl then spun around and faced the screens. "Okay," Madison said to herself, "If I were a superhero trying to hide, how would I do it?"

She then began to type away at the many keyboards in front of her. She started with watching all the YouTube videos she could on the hero. Madison was impressed by the skill and strength he had.

Madison then pulled up footage from all of the traffic cameras from the times Spider-Man had saved the day. The hero always seemed to run into an alley. And a second later a boy would come out.

The girl checked multiple days and it was always the same one. She zoomed in on his face and ran a scan on it. Almost immediately a profile popped up.

Looking at the file, Madison found out all of the information she needed on the boy. His name was Peter Benjamin Parker. He was born on August 10, 2001. About two months older than Madison. Which meant he was also fifteen years old.

Peter was five feet and eight inches tall. He had brown hair and brown eyes. The boy seemed to live with his aunt, May Parker, after his uncle, Ben Parker, had passed away. The only thing on file about his parents were their names, Richard and May Parker.

He attended Midtown Highschool of Science and Technology. And Peter had just started is Sophomore year.

He was a seemingly normal fifteen year old boy. Robotics Club, Marching Band, Decathlon Team. He was a nerd that was for sure. But if Madison was a normal kid, then she possibly would have been friends with him.

Madison sent the file to her phone and to her father's, happy that she had discovered the identity of Spider-Man.

Some time had passed and Tony and Natasha had returned back to the tower. They had just gotten off the phone with the Secretary of State. He had informed them that they had thirty-six hours to bring in Steve and Sam. Along with James Barnes.

"My left arm is numb, is that normal?" Tony asked, sliding into his chair.

Natasha placed a hand on his shoulder, "You alright?"

"Always," Tony answered, "Thirty-six hours, jeez."

Madison let out a sigh, "We need to find them."

Tony nodded his head, "And when we do, I need you to talk some sense into him. Steve will listen to you, Princess."

"We're seriously understaffed," Natasha sighed.

"Oh, yeah," Madison's father agreed, "It'd be great if we had a Hulk right about now. Any shot?"

Natasha shook her head, "No. You really think he'd be on our side?"

"No," Madison answered for her father, "But I was always very convincing for him."

"I have an idea," Natasha stated. Madison cocked her head to the side in confusion.

Tony then spoke, "Me too. Where's yours?"

"Down stairs," Natasha answered, "Where's yours?"

Madison and Tony then looked at each other, then they looked at the assassin. Both were smirking like they had something to hide.

𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 [𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫]Where stories live. Discover now