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"Do you ever just miss the way things used to be?

Miss how close you were to somebody you never talk to anymore?

Miss the way you felt about somebody in highschool, or the way you thought about things a year ago?

Ever miss the familiar faces of the people you no longer know, or the happiness of being surrounded by people you loved?

Being comfortable?

Do you ever miss the skin you grew up in only to look in the mirror today and ask "what happened?"

That is, after all, the big question isn't it? I know I miss it.

Every feeling I felt, every laugh, every tear, every hello even though I knew someday it would be goodbye,

Yet in denial that things can stay constant.

But goodbye came, and our only excuse is that things change, people change,

And all we're left with are memories we want to forget or hold onto forever.

Maybe I miss so much because I'm not really living anymore.

Or I miss so much because things changed in a matter of months that felt like minutes.

Oh and I do miss so very much.

But hey, things change...people change."

"Things Change, People Change"

» Britney Lyn

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