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   The last body was placed into the back of Daryl’s truck. Nicole’s heart ached when she saw how many people they’d lost. Daryl and Nicole’s eyes locked together for half a second before he started making his way up the hill to their graveyard.

   Cheyanne grabbed Nicole’s hand as the remained of the camp began trekking up the hill. It was silent. No one talked, no one cried, no one had emotion. They were all blank faces as they climbed up the hill to seal their friends’ fates. To seal them in a dirt-covered tomb. To send them away with one last wish of safe passage to wherever they may go.

   When the group reached the top, Daryl was lecturing about burning and burying the bodies. Then he started off on another fit about rules. Nicole rolled her eyes at the man. Cheyanne glanced at the pile of people and buried her face into her mother’s left leg.

   “There are no rules,” Rick stated.

   “Well, that’s a problem,” Lori spoke up, “We haven’t had one minute to hold onto anything of our old selves. We need time to mourn and we need to bury our dead. That’s what people do.”

   Nicole nodded as Lori turned back around. Nicole placed a gentle hand onto Lori’s arm. Lori gazed up to her best friend with teary eyes. She wanted to be safe. She wanted her friends alive and safe. The two women met in a hug. They wanted the same things.

   One by one, their deceased members were lowered and buried in the ground. Every few people, one of the living would say something in a eulogy. When it came Donovan’s turn, Nicole cringed. Rick and Shane lowered him into his grave gently.

   “Would anyone like to say something for Donovan?” Rick asked. His eyes were obviously tired. He was so, so tired. Of everything. He wanted to sleep. He wanted to cry. He wanted to scream. But he held it all together with a gentle smile.

   “I will,” Cheyanne suddenly piped up. Everyone looked down to the little girl. She started to dig in her jean pocket for a melted bitesize Three Musketeer. “Donovan was very nice to me. He always said he risked his life when he stole candy from his sister.” Chey’s brown eyes watered as she gazed down to the little chocolate. “He always said he’d find something to give me. He always tried to make me smile and laugh -- said I didn’t do that enough,” she half laughed. “He always promised me that one day he’d get the biggest candy bar he could find, just so he could put a smile on my face.”

   Nicole crouched down, placing a gentle hand on her daughter's shoulder. Cheyanne was on the verge of tears.  “I told him that I would split it with him,” she sniffled. “We made each other a promise and since I can’t so that now, I’m gonna give you this.” She stepped forward and laid the melted candy on his chest. “I promised I’d share it. You can never break a promise.” Chey turned around and said, “Rest in Peace, Donovan.”

   Cheyanne walked up to her mother, who engulfed her in a hug. Chey’s legs wrapped around Nicole’s waist as she stood up. Nicole had tears in her eyes. Rick and Shane each sighed and started to throw dirt on his body.

   When the final body, Amy’s body, got pulled out, everyone tensed as Andrea insisted she does it herself.  She was trying so hard and Dale wanted to do nothing but help her. “I can do it,” she cried as she finally got her sister close to the hole. Dale gently lifted her feet and lowered her into the grave. Dale helped her out and Andrea began piling dirt on as she bawled. This broke Nicole’s heart.

   Everyone started to make their way back toward camp. Nicole tightly held her daughter on her side; even though, Cheyanne was getting heavy. She couldn’t put her down. Not right now. Not in this desperate time of comfort. Nicole noticed Daryl’s absence from the group of people, so she assumed he’d be staying behind to bring the truck back.

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