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   Nicole always hated moving. It was such a pain in the ass. When she was younger, her family moved three times. It wasn't for any particular reason; her mother just likes to move around. Nicole's parents had the money stashed away in case they ever wanted to move. They'd always take money from their paychecks and put away. Nicole and her brother never saw a dime for the continuous hours of work they did. And yet, her parents still demanded more from them. It was exhausting. 

   Nicole moved her, Cheyanne and Daryl's things into the far side of the living room. Nadia made sure that Nicole was comfortable with sleeping on the floor. Sleeping on the floor never bothered Nicole; when she was younger, she would always find somewhere on the floor to take a nap.

   It didn't take Nicole long to set up the three's little corner camp. She was in her own little world as she finished. Nicole jumped when she felt a hand slide on her shoulder. Her hand shot to her knife, but it got grabbed by a calloused hand.

   "Easy there, flash," a graveled voice came from behind her. She relaxed when she realized that it was Daryl. "I just came to check on ya."

   Nicole let out a sigh of relief. "You scared the hell outta me, hillbilly," Nicole panted as she turned around to meet his Georgia blues. Nicole could feel his hand still sitting on her shoulder; he realized it and pulled away.

   "I can tell," he chuckled softly. "Nearly gutted me." Both of them froze for a second and thought about Dale. "Shit, I shouldn' have said that." Daryl wanted to smack himself for bringing up their recent heartache.

   Nicole let out a watery sigh. "It's okay, Daryl." Nicole offered him a toothless smile. "Are you and Rick leaving soon?" Nicole asked as she crossed her arms and leaned to her left side. She was taking in his features; this could've been the last time she'd see him.

   "Yeah." Daryl broke eye contact and glanced to the ground. "We're goin' to leave in about twenty-ish minutes," Daryl informed her.

   "Okay," Nicole whispered. "Ya know, I wish that we all could have met on some sort of common ground when it came to Randall," Nicole paused thinking back to Dale. "I mean, we did, eventually. It just took the death of someone we loved."

   Daryl sighed. He knew that she was right. Letting Randall go was the morally right thing to do; he wasn't so sure it was the survival right thing to do, however. Daryl abstained in the topic of discussion. He didn't think that either choice was right or wrong. Daryl did, however, support Nicole's deadlocked decision. He admired her for standing up for it.

   "I know," Daryl muttered. The two stood for a few minutes and talked until Cheyanne came over. She had a big grin on her face and held something behind her back. "Whaddaya got there, squirt?" Daryl questioned curiously.

   Cheyanne smiled and shyly replied, "A present." She made sure to keep it hidden behind her back. She pulled it out and handed it to the man. "I found a four leaf clover in the yard. All the other clovers were dead except that one, so I asked Beth if she had any clear tape. She did and I taped it so it wouldn't fall apart, even if it died."

   Cheyanne saw the smirk on her mother's face. "What I'm trying to say is be careful and come back safe to mom and me," Chey whispered before pulling herself to his legs. Daryl stood there stiff and awkward. Nicole wanted to laugh at him.

   The little girl pulled away from the man and wandered off. Daryl stood still and studied the laminated clover; he stuck it in his pocket. "I'm sure Rick is waitin' for me," Daryl stated. Nicole nodded.

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