Chapter 18 i fell for a thug

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Shays POV

"Bitch wake yo ass up" my mother says

"No get the fuck out" I yelled

"iight hoe I got some for u" she says leaving my room

She then comes back with a brick and throw it at my head

"OUUUUCCHHHH" I screamed

"Shay!! shay!! get up u dreaming" Tezz said waking me up

"What! what!" I said jumping up

"You ok u yelled ouch really loud" Tezz said

"Umm yea jus had a bad dream" I told him

"About what" Tezz asked

"My mom waking me up for school and hitting me with a big brick" I said scratching my head

"Damn u sure u ok" he asked

"Yea I'm fine, where u headed at 5 in the morning" I asked looking at the clock

"Umm remember we were goin to cali for a couple weeks" he said

"oh yea sorry I forgot, let me get up and get dressed, do I have time to take a shower" I asked

"Yea sure can I get in with u" he asked

"You been up for how long and haven't got in yet" I said

"Well I wanted to wait till u got up" he said

"What time do we leave" I asked getting out my clothes I was wearing today

"Well we were supposed to leave at 12 but I decided to leave at 8:30" he said

"Oh ok well we got enough time, but yes u can take a shower with me" I told him

Idk what he was doing to his hair but he looked like he was trying to braid his dreads luckily I knew a lil some

"Here let me help you, sit down" I said

"Naw shawty I got it" he said

"You sure" I said standing there waiting for him to say some

"Ok no help me" he said sitting down

"So stubborn" I said

"Yea whatever shawty" he said

" boy boy boy" I said

" what girl girl girl" he said, i narrowed my eyes

"You don't got to do the extra" I laughed

"You did" he said

" killed the moment I was finna say some sexy" I said while finishing his hair

"Oh really now" he said getting up and getting in my face

"Yes" I said gazing him in his lovely eyes

"Well what if I do this" he said kissing my lips. "And this" he said kissing my neck. "And" he said picking me up and putting on the counter.

He then kissed my lips again, I loved the way his lips feel. I kissed him back things got heated and well we all know where that went.

Once we did our thang we got in the shower, brushed our teeth, washed our face, and got dressed. Tezz wore some Adidas red sweat pants, a black T-shirt, and put his adidas sweater over it, with some adidas sock and shoes. I wore the same but mine was pink and I put my hair in a messy bun I was finna be 2 months and my lil bump was kinda showing.

I Fell for a thugWhere stories live. Discover now