Chapter 36 i fell for a thug

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3 days later

The day of the trip

Shays POV

I guess Everybody had already packed the day before cause they had all showed up last night ready to go. good thing Tezz had  rooms for everyone. it was 8:00 o'clock in the morning and our flight was at 1 i don't know if everyone was up but me and Tezz were up we were watching saved by the bell

"So what do u want to do for you bday next week" Shay asked me

"I honestly don't know I've literally did anything a person could think of" i said

"Literally everything" she said

"Yup" I  said "But real shit this trip is somewhere I've always wanted to go as a little kid"

"Really me to" She said suprised

"But on my bday we can jus go out to the club or some u old enough know" I joked

"Haha funny but ok that sounds fun jus me and u or all of us" She said

"Well someone has to stay or no one will be able to watch the kids" I said

"Yea you right well I guess it's jus me and u" She said "and I have a surprise for u to"

"Coo let-

*knock knock

"Come in" I said

"Umm eww is there any other way u can lay on him and have clothes on" Amaya said

"Nope she can't know what u want guhh" l said

"Rudeness" But Umm jayceon wants to know when the flight is he wants to go to the mall with everyone before it's time" Amaya said

"It's at 1 and yea we can go at 10:50 it's only 8:30 am" i said

"Oh so u get to call the shots huh" she said looking at me

"I mean u grown Amaya do y-

I then felt Shay grab my face and kiss me I think she new I was gettin aggravated so she did it to calm me down she was kissing me so good omg she must have felt me grab her cause she jumped

"Hello" Amaya yelled

"Girl get the fuck on can't u see he don't give a fuck do u damn" Shay said madly

"Yea whatever Shay u been acting real funny lately I don't blame Amelia for not wanting to talk to u bitch" she said closing the door

Shay looked at me then got up off me so fast and tried to go after Amaya but I grabbed her

"Don't ruin the mood by getting mad at her stupidity" I told her

"What is her problem" Shay said

"I dot know and I don't care but I do want u to kiss me like that again" I said making her get back on top of me

We started back kissing and things got heated we knew tamia wasn't waking up anytime soon so shay got up locked the door and we got back to what we were doin. it's been a min I knew she loved when I got on top so I did, but this time she didn't let me I was surprised she started kissing my neck I put some slow James on and she continued to do what she was doin. I loved every bit but I had to take control so I flip her lil ass back on her back and did what she liked me to do i tried some new and she went crazy i went easy on her ass before cause she was a virgin but not this time I slipped it in slowly but as soon as I go it in she went Ballistic I mean crazy. I jus started pounding her shit she screamed like crazy. good thing nun of the rooms are close to mine and I have sound proof walls so nobody can hear unless they were at the door. she was trying to stop me but I grabbed both her hands and pinned them against the bed I then stopped and but her ass in doggy style position and worked her pussy again she screamed louder. she grabbed the pillow and bit it she had some bomb. about a hour later we both climaxed it was know 11 o'clock and even tho Amaya ass pissed me off I did want to go to the mall with my lil bro. I laid next to shay and I look over and she was falling asleep.

I Fell for a thugWhere stories live. Discover now