Shay Ariel Thomas is an ordinary wealthy girl with a bad life and the only thing she like is herself friends and school she the loves bad boys so when she goes to a party her friends takes her to she bumps into one and her whole life changes
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Me and marcel were laying in the bed watching movies when we heard a loud banging on the door.
"That's my best friend" I said surely
"Hell naw not banging like that" he said "that's Tezz"
We both got up and went for the door marcel opened it and revealed Tezz budging in like somebody killed him
"See told u" marcel said
"Yea Yea" I said letting tezz walk in. We closed the door back.
We went back to the bed seeing Tezz pacing back and forth
"Bro what's wrong with u" marcel asked
"I hit her" Tezz said
"What" I said sitting up
"I fuckin hit her" Tezz yelled
" ok ok calm down bros, who you hit shay" marcel asked
"It was an accident, she found out bout the drop tomorrow night and was trying to stop me I got mad and-......"
"You asshole" I said running out the room ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Marcels POV
Dominique called Tezz an asshole and ran out the room Tezz was still pacing back and forth
" I wasn't trying to man it was a reflex" he said
"Tezz Tezz calm down bro it's gone be ok" I said trying to stop him from pacing
"Man no it's not I hit her pretty hard marcel you know how I get when people try to stop me from doin business you seen what happen to Jayla when she did it" Tezz said scared
"You didn't" I asked
"Not that many times but only once, but it was the same way I did Jayla" he said
"Wow Man U gotta chill" I told him
"Bro I DIDNT FUCKIN TRY TO" he yelled
"iight my nigga calm down" I said
"I'm sorry man I'm jus mad" he said
"I know but don't worry she will get over it" I told him
Jus then Dominique came in the room pissed the fuck off she looked at tezz like she wanted to kill him
"Yo are u serious" she said angrily
"Look I-
"U bastard u need to go fix that my girl is sitting under the shower shower in your room not sayin a word and she got a huge as bruise on her face" Dominique said