Chapter 22

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Shays POV

It was bout 10 at night and I was ready to go back home tezz had gave me some extra cash to go get a few outfits and of course Jayla and her friend had to come I can't stand these bitches they aggravated me The Whole time

"You ok sis" Dominique said

"No these bitches getting on my nerves" I said

"You wanna go home" she asked

"Yea" I said

We got in Tezz truck he let us drive since it was four of us and I drove us back home to the mansion I was so glad I was home and away from them bitches it took us bout 30 min to get back. once we made it, I parked, we got out and walked in the house. as soon as I opened the door it was people everywhere, and naked woman roaming around. I got even more aggravated being the fact Tezz lied.

"TEZZ" I yelled

I looked around to see he was nowhere in site. I then heard a lot of commotion coming from the the far left of me so me being me I walked my pregnant ass over there to see what was that all bout with dom and the rest of the girls following behind me. once I made it, I push through the crowd to see some half naked girl dancing on Hakeem, grinding on him,touching all over him, it really pissed off malena you could see it in her face.

"GET YO STANKY ASS OFF MY NIGGA BITCH" She yelled pulling her off him.

The music stopped and everybody froze
Hakeem looked up at us with no emotion like he didn't even care I noticed his pants were unbuttoned I looked at Malena she jus kissed him and pulled the stripper on her

"Bitch don't ever dance on my nigga without me" she said pulling the girl hair back

I was so surprise. I looked at dom and the other girls and they started laughing, I wanted to know why was everyone here after Tezz said this type shit wasn't gone happen. So I seen where the music was coming from and instantly walked over to it grabbed the microphone.

"Whoever isn't fucking staying in this house I need everybody to clear the fuck out before I called the cops" I yelled

Once I said cops everybody stopped doin what they were doin and cleared out the house and left I even told the dj he had to go nicely knowing he probably didn't know what was goin on

"Ummm I need my cut before I go" he said

" ok I'll run up to my room and bring u your money" I told him

I then gave him his microphone and I rushed upstairs

"I wouldn't go up there if I were u"Hakeem laughed

"Hakeem shut yo drunk as up" Dominique said

Everybody laughed

I continued to walk up the stairs to me and Tezz room, still wondering where the fuck he was, like he didn't call or text to tell me where he was or what he was doin. after about a few mins I made it to my room it was unlocked so he must be in there sleep or some, so I walked an couldn't believe my eyes. he didn't hear me come in cause the music was up and I could tell he was enjoying it. I was so hurt I walked over closer to the bed.

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