Chapter 34 i fell for a thug

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Tezz POV

Later that night

"Tezz bros calm down"  Hakeem said

"If some happen to my brother all hell gone break loose" I said pacing back and forth

"We know man we all feel the same way that's why we gone get him back" Brandon said

"Yea man marcel my lil  cousin man I want him safe jus as well as u do" primo said

"I can't loose him I love him" dom said crying

"We not gone loose him dom Tezz and the boys will get him safe" Shay said trying to comfort her

I felt her pain if I loose my brother to my mom being a heartless bitch then I probably won't be the same my brother is my back my A1 I wouldn't know what to do if he died

"Imma make sure Marcel will be fine cause we jus finna strike" I scolded "primo u said u drove behind them to see where they went"

"Yea I did" he said showing me a pic in his phone of the address and the cross streets

When I seen the house I looked at Shay cause this picture is a picture of her mom house

"Aye shay ain't this your people's crib" I said handing her the picture

She took a min to recognize it

"Yea it is but why did she go doesn't there my mom still lives there" she said confused looking at primo for an answer. He shrugged.

"Well it's coo we goin up there" I said grabbing the phone out her hand "y'all be ready at dawn, get every gun you have cause we not goin down without a fight,
If my mom is still the way she use to be then she not goin down without a fight ei-

I got interrupted by my phone ringing from an unknown number

"Da fuck is this" I said answering my phone "who di-

"Tezz com-

"Ya heard that Ashod" he said

"Who the fuck is this" I scolded

"Your one and only father" he said slowly

My heart dropped. if he's out then marcel is in more danger then I thought and I need to get to him ASAP

"You lay a hand on my brother and I'll—

"Do what kill me please, I made u nigga" he laughed

"Yea iight bitch I know u heard my name thru that jail cell and what I do and it ain't no simple bitch shit so you and Sheila be prepared" I scolded hanging up the phone

"Fuck dawn we leave at 10" I said storming down to my basement to get ready I was blocked out the things around me all I seen was blood and my brother I didn't hear shay behind me.

"You really going on with this" she said with her arms folded

"Yes shay I am" I said opening the safe that led to a bigger safe

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