Chapter 21 i fell for a thug

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Tezz POV

"What the fuck u doin here" I said

"Craig called me and told me to come since Brandon is talking to Ashley" she said

"Oh so u talking to Craig know" I asked

"Naw we jus fuckin" she said sarcastically" "since that's all u think I do"

"Hell that is all u do" I said

"Umm u can get off my girl and show us in this house" Ashley said walking in the house

"Listen Jayla u do anything to fuck up this trip for me and I'll end yo fuckin life hoe" I said while griping her wrist harder

"Boy whatever" she said yanking away from my grip

I then closed the door, and told my butler to put they things in the living room. we all went back to the table all eyes where on us

"Why is she here" Shay asked me as I sat down

"Apparently Craig told her to come" I said

"And u ok with that" marcel asked

"Yea man look I can care less bout her hoe ass she ain't shit" I told them

"Craig is a dumbass for even bringing her here and fuckin with her" Dominique said

"I doubt it if Craig is actually with her Craig don't do relationships if anything he fuckin her and that's it" I said

"Is we gone get in the pool or naw u niggas been eating for 10 hours" we heard Brandon say "come here baby"

Ashley then got up and walked to him and kissed him. I looked at Shay and she looked like she was gone puke

"You iight sis" marcel asked her

"Yea, y'all ever got that feeling where u look at someone and think ugh why did I date him and it makes u sick to yo stomach" she explained

"Yea prime example of Jayla nasty ass" I said "but enough bout the gossip LETS HIT THIS POOL" i yelled so everyone could hear me "come on baby let's go get dressed"

I looked at Jayla who had a stank look on her face looking at Shay luckily Shay wasn't paying attention

Once we got to our room we went to my closet and picked out some swim wear

"Come on babe lets match" Shay said

" iight fasho" I agreed

Shay then left the closet and went to get her bathing suit

So I pulled out my Versace swim trunks and went in the room and changed into them she changed into a Versace one piece bathing suit same design and color as mine and she had her hair in a bun with some gold wrap around royal designed Flip flops man my lil baby looked so good

"Oowee u look so good" she said

"You jus like to see me with my shirt off" I laugh

"And naked" she said smiling

We laughed

"iight are U ready to go, and you look good to by the way" I told her

"Yes I'm ready, and thank u baby" she said

I held her hand as we walked out the room and down the stairs to see everyone was already enjoying themselves by the pool

"Enjoy yourself baby imma go talk to the guys" I told her kissing her lips

I Fell for a thugWhere stories live. Discover now