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(chapter one.) im supposed to be nice?

) im supposed to be nice?❛ HOW THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT? ❜

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POET WAS  immediately heading towards her car, not caring that the coffee she bought for herself and Allison were burning her arms (Allison always asked for a coffee despite where she was). She was in line, about to order the coffee, when she saw on the small TV right in the corner the news that Reginald Hargreeves, Allison's father and the man who hated her, had passed away. Despite the fact that he was not a good father at all, Poet knew that her friend would be shocked about the news and due to her status, Poet hoped she found out the news herself.

Poet's phone rang, causing her to immediately grab it and answer it, all while driving off the parking lot and simultaneously  using her powers to stop the coffee from falling off the cup holders.

"Hello?" She questioned, bopping her head to the soft music playing on the radio.

"Hey, Poet," she sighed in relief when she heard the woman's voice.

"Hey, Allison," she greeted, cursing immediately when she got distracted by a dog trainer training her dog by a park and allowing the coffee to spill all over the cup holders. "Crap, hey, listen, uh, I'm sorry about your loss."

"Poet," Allison chuckled. "I know what you truly want to say. Say it."

"But it will be disrespectful—"

"Poet, say it," Allison cut her off, knowing her friend was feigning her worried words. "After all, I don't mind. I know that you don't like my dad."

"Can I say it though?" Allison hummed and she let out a small chuckle when Poet immediately started whooping out loud. "My God, the old man finally died!" She lowered her voice a bit. "My condolences, though. But hey, we hated that bastard."

"Alright," Allison laughed under her breath before shaking her head at hearing her friend curse under breath. "You dropped coffee again didn't you?"

"It was an accident this time!" The  assistant immediately went to defend herself. "It's your fault because you called me and I answered my phone and I lost focus. The coffee spilled everywhere again."

"Oh my God, Poet."

"It was an accident!" She chuckled breathlessly before she sighed. "You're at your old house, right?"


"Alright, I'll see you." Poet hung up, shaking her head as she immediately closed her car windows when she heard the thoughts of every person she was passing by. She scrunched her face out of disgust at hearing a sexual one. "Where's their shame?"

THE OTHER ━ DIEGO HARGREEVESWhere stories live. Discover now