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(chapter two.) why are you still talking?

) why are you still talking?❝ WHY ARE YOU STILL HERE? ❞

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POET WATCHED ON AS THE FAMILY ALL GLANCED AT each other. There was an awkward silence, each of the siblings not knowing what to say to each other after not seeing one another for a long time.

As Luther stood up, Poet couldn't trail her eyes away from his chest. She was trying to process the fact that he was so tall and in her mind, he looked like Popeye when he ate his spinach.

"Um..." He started. "I guess we should get this started." They all stared at him. "So, I figured we could have a sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown."

Poet turned to look at Klaus as he threw her a piece of paper from the bar. She looked at him as he served himself a drink.

"You want one?" He mouthed, bringing up his cup slightly. Poet nodded. "Alright."

"Dad had a favorite spot?"

Poet turned to face Luther again.

"Yeah, you know under the oak tree," judging by the clueless faces of his siblings, he knew they didn't know the place. "We used to sit out there all the time. None of you ever did that?"

"Well, now we know who was the favorite," Poet mumbled, crossing her arms. She let out a wince when Allison nudged her stomach with her elbow. "Just saying." Klaus gave her her drink. "Thank you."

"Will there be refreshments?" Klaus asked and Poet nodded, glancing at Klaus and looking at Luther. "Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner."

Poet looked at the drink in her hands, playing with the alcoholic drink as her eyes glowed a perfect scarlet color. Her hands swiftly moved to one side and another, lifting the water up and close to her fingertips.

"Is that my skirt?" Poet looked away from the water floating, dropping it back on her cup as she glanced at Diego, who was staring at her. They both rolled their eyes when they made eye contact. She looked at Klaus.

"What?" Klaus simply questioned. "Oh, yeah, this. I found it in your room. It's a little dated, I know, but it's very breathy on the bits."

The assistant nodded. "Looks good on you. Not surprised though. You managed to pull of my crop top well."

"Thank you," Klaus grinned. "I need to try on your clothes more."

"Or we can go buy you some?"

"Now where's the fun in that?"

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